Thank you for sharing! Outbreak Protection does not work Below is line from SMTP (in) log: ... Sun 2015-01-04 13:47:35.775: * Outbreak Protection Error: Unable to comply with the request because you are not licensed for the antispam service. Contact your service provider to enable the service. ... Is there anyway to crack/enable Outbreak Protection? Is there a keygen available? I'm guessing there is no way to crack since you have to have a valid license.
Found another issue with the MDaemon 14.5.2. crack/patched files. The antivirus configurations are missing under Security->Antivirus... Below is an image of the options that you will have when using the crack/patched files: Below is a sample image that shows the options you have without the crack/patched files:
安裝說明 1. 先將主程式及AV&OC都用試用的方式安裝好 2. 在來將hosts修改 3. 覆蓋檔案 4. 修改 license.xml 內容 主要就<Trial><EndDate><Deactivate>這三個地方,其它的不動。
即使把这三个地方修改了,但是,如果调整日期超过“<EndDate>”,则mdaemon将无法启动了的,这意味着,到免费测试期30天过后,mdaemon14.5.2将无法继续运行! 所以,我认为,老毛子的这个14.5.2的是没有做完整的。 期待老毛子能够继续发力! 供大侠们测试参考。