Del the file storage.dat at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Kaspersky\SDK ps.This folder was hidden
Sorry, I do not see this path on server 2008. This looks like for XP? I found storage42c.dat file here C:\Users\All Users\Kaspersky SDK I deleted this file but the antivirus still doesnt work? Does anyone else have same problem? Thanks!
MDaemon 13.0.5 英文版最大的缺點,收發 Mail,圖片等附件不會跟菩 Mail 走。也就是說附件要到信箱夾裡的 Files 資料夾裡去下載,並非像以前版本跟著 Mail 走,在 Mail 頁面裡就能下載。不知有那位網友知道是否可以改為像以前一樣,謝謝!