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[cXF] Font Awesome Switch 字体图标开关 4.6.3


  1. 午夜涩茶
    • 1.4
    • 1.5
    Run Font Awesome icons on your site locally or via CDN.

    *note: you can use this add-on for our add-ons that runs Font Awesome icons or for any other third party add-on


    How to install:
    1. If you're going to use Font Awesome locally than upload the content in the Upload folder (use the same path!). If not, proceed to step two.
    2. Go to your Admin Control Panel and click "Install Add-on" link
    3. Upload the xml file and click the Install Add-on button
    4. Select your option in ACP > Options > [cXF] Font Awesome Switch

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