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新闻 FileZilla Client 3.10.1-rc1 发布 下载

Discussion in '软件资讯' started by 漂亮的石头, 2015-01-25.

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 Staff Member

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    FileZilla Client 3.10.1-rc1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:


    • Fixed wording of some error messages when using FTP over TLS

    • Display subject alternative names in certificate verification dialog

    • If re-editing multiple files already being edited, add a checkbox to apply action to all selected file
    Bug 修复和改进

    • Editing the same local file multiple times no longer results in an error message

    • Display SHA-256 fingerprints in certificate verification dialog, no longer display MD5 fingerprints.

    • Disable insecure RC4 algorithm in FTP over TLS

    • *nix: Fix assertion when opening the file exists dialog on some multi-display systems

    • Deleting items in the Site Manager now correctly upates the right-hand side of the dialog

    • Dragging items in the Site Manager no longer makes the default port appear in the port input box

    • OS X: Multi-line text edit controls no longer act like rich-text edit controls and no longer perform quote substitution


    FileZilla Client 3.10.1-rc1 发布下载地址