1. Xenforo 爱好者讨论群:215909318 XenForo专区
  2. XenForo 1.5.14 中文版——支持中文搜索!现已发布!查看详情
  3. Xenforo 爱好者讨论群:215909318 XenForo专区
  4. XenForo 1.5.14 中文版——支持中文搜索!现已发布!查看详情

Warning Improvements by Xon 1.2.3


  1. 午夜涩茶
    • 1.4
    • 1.5
    Warning; All user group titles will be visible if they are applied in a Warning Action

    User Criteria for warning points
    Allow users to view their own warnings, and find which posts where warned.
    Option to send an alert to a user when they receive a warning.
    Allows the Custom Warning to be customized like other warnings (does not allow title to be changed)
    Copy Warning title/text automatically to the public warning action field.
    Optional "Continue" button on the warning dialog, instead of a "warn" button for the first few tabs.
    Allow the default content action to be set
    Control defaults for user notification
    Lock PMs by default
    Option to require a note when entering a warning
    Ability to see warning actions applied to an account from the front-end
    users may see warning actions agains thier account
    automatically roll-up identical warning actions to show the latest expiry
    per-group moderator permissions for editing/viewing all/disable summarization.
    Additional conversation substitution replaceable for the warning conversation on submit.
    Option to force new conversation email to be sent on a warning conversation.
    Will send even if they are banned!
    Always sends full conversation text.
    This can ignore conversation privacy options.
    Automatically extend default warning expires based on warning point total thresholds. Not accumulative, only the last matching threshold applies

    New Permission to control if a user can see who infracted them.
    View Warning Issuer.

    New moderator permissions for viewing warning actions.
    View Warning Actions
    Edit Warning Actions
    Don't Summarize Warning Actions

    Respects the "View Warning Details" permission for allowing a given user group to view warning details on everyone.

    Giving "View Warning Details" allows users to view the 'private' warning note, and allows them to see who issued the warning!

    Fully Phrased.


    I recommend using Add-on install & upgrade or [TH] Install and Upgrade to install this addon.

    Contributing features or bug fixes
    Please create a Github Pull request via the "Find more info at github.com..." link.