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新闻 PostgreSQL 9.4.1/9.3.6/9.2.10/9.1.15/9.0.19 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-02-06 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    PostgreSQL 9.4.1/9.3.6/9.2.10/9.1.15/9.0.19 发布,这些版本现已提供下载。这些版本主要是之前版本的安全修复和 bug 修复。强烈建议所有用户尽快升级到最新版本!


    • CVE-2015-0241 Buffer overruns in "to_char" functions.

    • CVE-2015-0242 Buffer overrun in replacement printf family of functions.

    • CVE-2015-0243 Memory errors in functions in the pgcrypto extension.

    • CVE-2015-0244 An error in extended protocol message reading.

    • CVE-2014-8161 Constraint violation errors can cause display of values in columns which the user would not normally have rights to see.
    JSON 和 JSONB Unicode 转义字符

    为了解决 PostgreSQL 9.4.0 的 JSON 和 JSONB 转义字符不兼容的问题,现在 JSONB 不能出现转义字符序列 "\u0000",JSON 类型只能在文本中有 "\u0000",并且是非转义格式。


    除了以上的改进,还包括超过 60 个 bug 修复:

    • Cope with the non-ASCII Norwegian Windows locale name.

    • Avoid data corruption when databases are moved to new tablespaces and back again.

    • Ensure that UNLOGGED tables are correctly copied during ALTER DATABASE operations.

    • Avoid deadlocks when locking recently modified rows.

    • Fix two SELECT FOR UPDATE query issues.

    • Prevent false negative for shortest-first regular expression matches.

    • Fix false positives and negatives in tsquery contains operator.

    • Fix namespace handling in xpath().

    • Prevent row-producing functions from creating empty column names.

    • Make autovacuum use per-table cost_limit and cost_delay settings.

    • When autovacuum=off, limit autovacuum work to wraparound prevention only.

    • Multiple fixes for logical decoding in 9.4.

    • Fix transient errors on hot standby queries due to page replacement.

    • Prevent duplicate WAL file archiving at end of recovery or standby promotion.

    • Prevent deadlock in parallel restore of schema-only dump.

    同时还改进了 PostgreSQL 的时间域文件。更多改进内容请看更新日志
    PostgreSQL 9.4.1/9.3.6/9.2.10/9.1.15/9.0.19 发布下载地址