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  3. Xenforo 爱好者讨论群:215909318 XenForo专区
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[tLk] Thread Count 1.0.0

Show users' thread counts and promote users based their thread counts

  1. 午夜涩茶
    • 1.5
    As you know, XenForo doesn't track user's thread count. (Reference @mike 's this post)

    So, I just created this add-on.


    • Real Time thread counter
    • User Group Promotion support
    • User Ladder Title support
    • Trophy criteria support
    • Admin panel User Edit page support
    • Notable Members Page "Most Threads" tab
    • Showing thread counts in following areas
    1. Sidebar visitor panel
    2. Profile page
    3. Member card
    4. Message user info (can be enable/disable from style properties)
    While installing (or upgrading to 1.0.0), your users' thread counts will be re-count for fixing possible errors.

    Every sunday 00:10 will be auto-recount (with cronjob) for fixing possible errors. You can disable this cronjob if you don't want to, but, my advice is leaving it enabled. Because it is working one per week only


    1. memberinfo.png