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新闻 React v0.12 发布,构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-10-29 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    React v0.12 发布,此版本引入了新术语;修改了 APIs,使得 React 一些概念更简洁。 同时还对 JSX 做了一些修改,飞起了一些函数。


    React 团队通过发布了 react 和 react-tools 0.12.0 包到 npm 和 react 包到 bower。



    React Core


    • key and ref moved off props object, now accessible on the element directly

    • React is now BSD licensed with accompanying Patents grant

    • Default prop resolution has moved to Element creation time instead of mount time, making them effectively static

    • React.__internals is removed - it was exposed for DevTools which no longer needs access

    • Composite Component functions can no longer be called directly - they must be wrapped with React.createFactory first. This is handled for you when using JSX.

    • Spread operator ({...}) introduced to deprecate this.transferPropsTo

    • Added support for more HTML attributes: acceptCharset, classID, manifest

    • React.renderComponent --> React.render

    • React.renderComponentToString --> React.renderToString

    • React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup --> React.renderToStaticMarkup

    • React.isValidComponent --> React.isValidElement

    • React.PropTypes.component --> React.PropTypes.element

    • React.PropTypes.renderable --> React.PropTypes.node

    • DEPRECATED React.isValidClass

    • DEPRECATED instance.transferPropsTo

    • DEPRECATED Returning false from event handlers to preventDefault

    • DEPRECATED Convenience Constructor usage as function, instead wrap with React.createFactory

    • DEPRECATED use of key={null} to assign implicit keys
    Bug 修复

    • Better handling of events and updates in nested results, fixing value restoration in "layered" controlled components

    • Correctly treat event.getModifierState as case sensitive

    • Improved normalization of event.charCode

    • Better error stacks when involving autobound methods

    • Removed DevTools message when the DevTools are installed

    • Correctly detect required language features across browsers

    • Fixed support for some HTML attributes:

      • list updates correctly now

      • scrollLeft, scrollTop removed, these should not be specified as props

    • Improved error messages
    React With Addons


    • React.addons.batchedUpdates added to API for hooking into update cycle

    • React.addons.update uses assign instead of copyProperties which does hasOwnProperty checks. Properties on prototypes will no longer be updated correctly.
    Bug 修复

    • Fixed some issues with CSS Transitions


    • Enforced convention: lower case tag names are always treated as HTML tags, upper case tag names are always treated as composite components

    • JSX no longer transforms to simple function calls

    • @jsx React.DOM no longer required

    • spread ({...}) operator introduced to allow easier use of props
    Bug 修复

    • JSXTransformer: Make sourcemaps an option when using APIs directly (eg, for react-rails)

    React.js 是 Facebook 推出的一个用来构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库。

    Facebook开源了React,这是该公司用于构建反应式图形界面的JavaScript库,已经应用于构建Instagram网站及 Facebook部分网站。最近出现了AngularJS、MeteorJS 和Polymer中实现的Model-Driven Views等框架,React也顺应了这种趋势。React基于在数据模型之上声明式指定用户界面的理念,用户界面会自动与底层数据保持同步。与前面提及 的框架不同,出于灵活性考虑,React使用JavaScript来构建用户界面,没有选择HTML。
    React v0.12 发布,构建用户界面的 JavaScript 库下载地址