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新闻 AppCode 3.1 EAP 发布,加入 Swift club 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-10-30 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    AppCode 3.1 EAP 发布,此版本开始大力支持 Swift。今年夏天,Apple 大会之后,我们宣布支持 Swift 代码基础编辑和代码高亮功能。EAP 重要改进如下:可以在现有的项目中创建基于 Swift 的项目或者新的 Swift 文件;同时还解决了 Swift 代码相关的一些问题;

    导航选项能帮助你快速在代码的两个地方切换,对于 Swift 代码,AppCode 现在支持:

    • Go to Class (Cmd+O):

    • Go to Symbol (Alt+Cmd+O):

    • Navigate to declaration of symbol at caret (Cmd+B).

    Swift 被创建的时候,可以解析并且兼容 Objective-C,所以 Swift API 可以在 Objective-C 和 vice versa 中使用。此次 EAP 构建支持 Objective-C-to-Swift 解决方案。

    当前版本对 Swift 的一些限制:

    • AppCode doesn’t provide you with compile warnings in the editor.

    • Completion is now working only for the keywords.

    • Code formatter for Swift is not ready yet.

    • External parameter names, shorthand names and tuple element names are not resolved correctly yet.

    • While Swift classes are resolved correctly in Objective-C code, usages of methods are not; we plan to improve this in the nearest updates.

    Inline Variables View

    UI 改进

    smarter Backspace key


    • Symbolic breakpoints are now available in AppCode.

    • Find in Path improvements: starting with v3.0, AppCode allows you to search through comments and string literals. In 3.1 EAP, you can also search anywhere except any of these or except both.

    • Git integration was updated with the Reset Current Branch to Here action in Git Log.

    • Rollback action is now available for a code selection via Alt+Cmd+Z or left-gutter menu. It will revert the exact selected block but won’t touch other code containing changes.

    同时还有一些性能提升和 C++ 改进。完整修复列表请看 issue tracker。请大家注意,系统最低要求已修改:最低支持 OS X 10.9 和 Xcode 6.1。

    此版本现已提供在 our EAP page

    Develop with pleasure!
    The AppCode Team

    AppCode 3.1 EAP 发布,加入 Swift club下载地址