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新闻 Tor 发布,网络反监控软件 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-10-31 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Tor 发布,是 0.2.6.x 系列的第一个版本,引入了大量的代码清理和心的测试,还有大量的 bugs 修复。此版本改进了可插拔传输对代理的支持;客户端使用优化的数据隐藏服务;还有一个更健壮的变化是考虑一个可解析目录对象。


    Tor 改进记录- 2014-10-30

    • New compiler and system requirements:

      • Tor 0.2.6.x requires that your compiler support more of the C99 language standard than before.

      • Tor no longer supports systems without threading support.

    • Removed platform support:

      • We no longer include special code to build on Windows CE

    • Major features (bridges):

      • Expose the outgoing upstream HTTP/SOCKS proxy to pluggable transports if they are configured via the "TOR_PT_PROXY" environment variable.

    • Major features (client performance, hidden services):

      • Allow clients to use optimistic data when connecting to a hidden service, which should remove a round-trip from hidden service initialization.

    • Major features (directory system):

      • Upon receiving an unparseable directory object, if its digest matches what we expected, then don't try to download it again. Previously, when we got a descriptor we didn't like, we would keep trying to download it over and over.

    • Major features (sample torrc):

      • Add a new, infrequently-changed "torrc.minimal".

    • Major bugfixes (directory authorities):

      • Do not assign the HSDir flag to relays if they are not Valid, or currently hibernating.

    • Major bugfixes (directory bandwidth performance):

      • Don't flush the zlib buffer aggressively when compressing directory information for clients.

    • Minor features (security, memory wiping):

      • Ensure we securely wipe keys from memory after crypto_digest_get_digest and init_curve25519_keypair_from_file have finished using them.

    • Minor features (security, out-of-memory handling):

      • When handling an out-of-memory condition, allocate less memory for temporary data structures.

      • When handling an out-of-memory condition, consider more types of buffers, including those on directory connections, and zlib buffers.

    • Minor features:

      • When identity keypair is generated for first time, log a congratulatory message that links to the new relay lifecycle document.

    • Minor features (client):

      • Clients are now willing to send optimistic data (before they receive a 'connected' cell) to relays of any version.

    • Minor features (directory authorities):

      • Don't list relays with a bandwidth estimate of 0 in the consensus.

      • In tor-gencert, report an error if the user provides the same argument more than once.

      • If a directory authority can't find a best consensus method in the votes that it holds, it now falls back to its favorite consensus method.

    • Minor features (logging):

      • On Unix-like systems, you can now use named pipes as the target of the Log option, and other options that try to append to files. Closes ticket 12061.

      • When opening a log file at startup, send it every log message that we generated between startup and opening it. Previously, log messages that were generated before opening the log file were only logged to stdout.

      • Add a TruncateLogFile option to overwrite logs instead of appending to them. Closes ticket #5583.

    • Minor features (portability, Solaris):

      • Threads are no longer disabled by default on Solaris; we believe that the versions of Solaris with broken threading support are all obsolete by now.

    • Minor features (relay):

      • Re-check our address after we detect a changed IP address from getsockname().

      • A new AccountingRule option lets Relays set whether they'd like AccountingMax to be applied separately to inbound and outbound traffic, or applied to the sum of inbound and outbound traffic.

    • Minor features (testing networks):

      • Add the TestingDirAuthVoteExit option, which lists nodes to assign the "Exit" flag regardless of their uptime, bandwidth, or exit policy. TestingTorNetwork must be set for this option to have any effect. Previously, authorities would take up to 35 minutes to give nodes the Exit flag in a test network. Partially implements ticket 13161.

    • Minor features (validation):

      • Check all date/time values passed to tor_timegm and parse_rfc1123_time for validity, taking leap years into account. Improves HTTP header validation. Implemented with bug 13476.

      • In correct_tm(), limit the range of values returned by system localtime(_r) and gmtime(_r) to be between the years 1 and 8099. This means we don't have to deal with negative or too large dates, even if a clock is wrong. Otherwise we might fail to read a file written by us which includes such a date. Fixes bug 13476.

    • Minor bugfixes (bridge clients):

      • When configured to use a bridge without an identity digest (not recommended), avoid launching an extra channel to it when bootstrapping. Fixes bug 7733; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (bridges):

      • When DisableNetwork is set, do not launch pluggable transport plugins, and if any are running, terminate them. Fixes bug 13213; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (C correctness):

      • Fix several instances of possible integer overflow/underflow/NaN. Fixes bug 13104; bugfix on and later. Patches from "teor".

      • In circuit_build_times_calculate_timeout() in circuitstats.c, avoid dividing by zero in the pareto calculations. This traps under clang's "undefined-trap" sanitizer. Fixes bug 13290; bugfix on tor-

      • Fix an integer overflow in format_time_interval(). Fixes bug 13393; bugfix on

      • Set the correct day of year value when the system's localtime(_r) or gmtime(_r) functions fail to set struct tm. Not externally visible. Fixes bug 13476; bugfix on 0.0.2pre14.

      • Avoid unlikely signed integer overflow in tor_timegm on systems with 32-bit time_t. Fixes bug 13476; bugfix on 0.0.2pre14.

    • Minor bugfixes (client):

      • Fix smartlist_choose_node_by_bandwidth() so that relays with the BadExit flag are not considered worthy candidates. Fixes bug 13066; bugfix on

      • Use the consensus schedule for downloading consensuses, and not the generic schedule. Fixes bug 11679; bugfix on

      • Handle unsupported or malformed SOCKS5 requests properly by responding with the appropriate error message before closing the connection. Fixes bugs 12971 and 13314; bugfix on 0.0.2pre13.

    • Minor bugfixes (client, torrc):

      • Stop modifying the value of our DirReqStatistics torrc option just because we're not a bridge or relay. This bug was causing Tor Browser users to write "DirReqStatistics 0" in their torrc files as if they had chosen to change the config. Fixes bug 4244; bugfix on

      • When GeoIPExcludeUnkonwn is enabled, do not incorrectly decide that our options have changed every time we SIGHUP. Fixes bug 9801; bugfix on Patch from "qwerty1".

    • Minor bugfixes (controller):

      • Return an error when the second or later arguments of the "setevents" controller command are invalid events. Previously we would return success while silently skipping invalid events. Fixes bug 13205; bugfix on Reported by "fpxnns".

    • Minor bugfixes (directory system):

      • Always believe that v3 directory authorities serve extra-info documents, whether they advertise "caches-extra-info" or not. Fixes part of bug 11683; bugfix on

      • When running as a v3 directory authority, advertise that you serve extra-info documents so that clients who want them can find them from you too. Fixes part of bug 11683; bugfix on

      • Check the BRIDGE_DIRINFO flag bitwise rather than using equality. Previously, directories offering BRIDGE_DIRINFO and some other flag (i.e. microdescriptors or extrainfo) would be ignored when looking for bridges. Partially fixes bug 13163; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (networking):

      • Check for orconns and use connection_or_close_for_error() rather than connection_mark_for_close() directly in the getsockopt() failure case of connection_handle_write_impl(). Fixes bug 11302; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (relay):

      • When generating our family list, remove spaces from around the entries. Fixes bug 12728; bugfix on

      • If our previous bandwidth estimate was 0 bytes, allow publishing a new relay descriptor immediately. Fixes bug 13000; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (testing networks):

      • Fix TestingDirAuthVoteGuard to properly give out Guard flags in a testing network. Fixes bug 13064; bugfix on

      • Stop using the default authorities in networks which provide both AlternateDirAuthority and AlternateBridgeAuthority. Partially fixes bug 13163; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (testing):

      • Stop spawn test failures due to a race condition between the SIGCHLD handler updating the process status, and the test reading it. Fixes bug 13291; bugfix on

    • Minor bugfixes (testing, Windows):

      • Avoid passing an extra backslash when creating a temporary directory for running the unit tests on Windows. Fixes bug 12392; bugfix on Patch from Gisle Vanem.

    • Minor bugfixes (windows):

      • Remove code to special-case handling of NTE_BAD_KEYSET when acquiring windows CryptoAPI context. This error can't actually occur for the parameters we're providing. Fixes bug 10816; bugfix on 0.0.2pre26.

    • Minor bugfixes (zlib):

      • Avoid truncating a zlib stream when trying to finalize it with an empty output buffer. Fixes bug 11824; bugfix on

    • Build fixes:

      • Allow our configure script to build correctly with autoconf 2.62 again. Fixes bug 12693; bugfix on

      • Improve the error message from ./configure to make it clear that when asciidoc has not been found, the user will have to either add --disable-asciidoc argument or install asciidoc. Resolves ticket 13228.

    • Code simplification and refactoring:

      • Change the entry_is_live() function to take named bitfield elements instead of an unnamed list of booleans. Closes ticket 12202.

      • Refactor and unit-test entry_is_time_to_retry() in entrynodes.c. Resolves ticket 12205.

      • Use calloc and reallocarray functions in preference to multiply- then-malloc. This makes it less likely for us to fall victim to an integer overflow attack when allocating. Resolves ticket 12855.

      • Use the standard macro name SIZE_MAX, instead of our own SIZE_T_MAX.

      • Document usage of the NO_DIRINFO and ALL_DIRINFO flags clearly in functions which take them as arguments. Replace 0 with NO_DIRINFO in a function call for clarity. Seeks to prevent future issues like 13163.

      • Avoid 4 null pointer errors under clang shallow analysis by using tor_assert() to prove that the pointers aren't null. Fixes bug 13284.

      • Rework the API of policies_parse_exit_policy() to use a bitmask to represent parsing options, instead of a confusing mess of booleans. Resolves ticket 8197.

      • Introduce a helper function to parse ExitPolicy in or_options_t structure.

    • Documentation:

      • Add a doc/TUNING document with tips for handling large numbers of TCP connections when running busy Tor relay. Update the warning message to point to this file when running out of sockets operating system is allowing to use simultaneously. Resolves ticket 9708.

    • Removed code:

      • We no longer remind the user about configuration options that have been obsolete since 0.2.3.x or earlier. Patch by Adrien Bak.

    • Removed features:

      • Remove the --disable-curve25519 configure option. Relays and clients now are required to support curve25519 and the ntor handshake.

      • The old "StrictEntryNodes" and "StrictExitNodes" options, which used to be deprecated synonyms for "StrictNodes", are now marked obsolete. Resolves ticket 12226.

      • The "AuthDirRejectUnlisted" option no longer has any effect, as the fingerprints file (approved-routers) has been deprecated.

      • Directory authorities do not support being Naming dirauths anymore. The "NamingAuthoritativeDir" config option is now obsolete.

      • Directory authorities do not support giving out the BadDirectory flag anymore.

      • Clients don't understand the BadDirectory flag in the consensus anymore, and ignore it.

    • Testing:

      • Refactor the function that chooses guard nodes so that it can more easily be tested; write some tests for it.

      • Fix and re-enable the fgets_eagain unit test. Fixes bug 12503; bugfix on Patch from "cypherpunks."

      • Create unit tests for format_time_interval(). With bug 13393.

      • Add unit tests for tor_timegm signed overflow, tor_timegm and parse_rfc1123_time validity checks, correct_tm year clamping. Unit tests (visible) fixes in bug 13476.

      • Add a "coverage-html" make target to generate HTML-visualized coverage results when building with --enable-coverage. (Requires lcov.) Patch from Kevin Murray.

      • Enable the backtrace handler (where supported) when running the unit tests.

      • Revise all unit tests that used the legacy test_* macros to instead use the recommended tt_* macros. This patch was generated with coccinelle, to avoid manual errors. Closes ticket 13119.

    • Distribution (systemd):

      • systemd unit file: only allow tor to write to /var/lib/tor and /var/log/tor. The rest of the filesystem is accessible for reading only. Patch by intrigeri; resolves ticket 12751.

      • systemd unit file: ensure that the process and all its children can never gain new privileges. Patch by intrigeri; resolves ticket 12939.

      • systemd unit file: set up /var/run/tor as writable for the Tor service. Patch by intrigeri; resolves ticket 13196.

    • Removed features (directory authorities):

      • Remove code that prevented authorities from listing Tor relays affected by CVE-2011-2769 as guards. These relays are already rejected altogether due to the minimum version requirement of Closes ticket 13152.

      • Directory authorities no longer advertise or support consensus methods 1 through 12 inclusive. These consensus methods were obsolete and/or insecure: maintaining the ability to support them served no good purpose. Implements part of proposal 215; closes ticket 10163.

    • Testing (test-network.sh):

      • Stop using "echo -n", as some shells' built-in echo doesn't support "-n". Instead, use "/bin/echo -n". Partially fixes bug 13161.

      • Stop an apparent test-network hang when used with make -j2. Fixes bug 13331.

      • Add a --delay option to test-network.sh, which configures the delay before the chutney network tests for data transmission. Partially implements ticket 13161.

    Tor 是一个帮助你抵御流量分析的软件项目, 流量分析是一种对网络的监视行为。Tor 将你的通信通过一个由遍及全球的志愿者运行的中继(relay)所组成的分布式网络转发, 以此来保护你的安全:它令监视你的 Internet 连接的那些人无法知道你所访问的站点, 它还令你所访问的站点无法知道你的物理位置。Tor 能与现有的许多应用程序配合工作, 包括 Web 浏览器、即时通讯客户端、远程登录和基于 TCP 协议的其他应用程序。

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