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新闻 NUnit 3.0 Alpha 2 发布,.NET 单元测试 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-04 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    NUnit 3.0 Alpha 2 发布了,NUnit 是 JUnit 的 .NET 版,支持所有 .NET 语言,完全使用 C# 编写,并进行完全重新设计以利用很多高级的 .NET 语言特性,例如定制属性以及其他相关的反射功能。

    与 Alpha 1 版本比较,该版本改进内容包括:

    Breaking Changes
    * The console runner no longer displays test results in the debugger.
    * The NUnitLite compact framework 2.0 build has been removed.
    * All addin support has been removed from the framework. Documentation of NUnit 3.0 extensibility features will be published in time for the beta release. In the interim, please ask for support on the nunit-discuss list.
    * A separate solution has been created for Linux
    * We now have continuous integration builds under both Travis and Appveyor
    * The compact framework 3.5 build is now working and will be supported in future releases.
    New Features
    * The console runner now automatically detects 32- versus 64-bit test assemblies.
    * The NUnitLite report output has been standardized to match that of nunit-console.
    * The NUnitLite command-line has been standardized to match that of nunit-console where they share the same options.
    * Both nunit-console and NUnitLite now display output in color.
    * ActionAttributes now allow specification of multiple targets on the attribute as designed. This didn't work in the first alpha.
    * OneTimeSetUp and OneTimeTearDown failures are now shown on the test report. Individual test failures after OneTimeSetUp failure are no longer shown.
    * The console runner refuses to run tests build with older versions of NUnit. A plugin will be available to run older tests in the future.
    Issues Resolved
    * 222 Color console for NUnitLite
    * 229 Timing failures in tests
    * 241 Remove reference to Microslft BCL packages
    * 243 Create solution for Linux
    * 245 Multiple targets on action attributes not implemented
    * 246 C++ tests do not compile in VS2013
    * 247 Eliminate trace display when running tests in debug
    * 255 Add new result states for more precision in where failures occur
    * 256 ContainsConstraint break when used with AndConstraint
    * 264 Stacktrace displays too many entries
    * 269 Add manifest to nunit-console and nunit-agent
    * 270 OneTimeSetUp failure results in too much output
    * 271 Invalid tests should be treated as errors
    * 274 Command line options should be case insensitive
    * 276 NUnit-console should not reference nunit.framework
    * 278 New result states (ChildFailure and SetupFailure) break NUnit2XmlOutputWriter
    * 282 Get tests for NUnit2XmlOutputWriter working
    * 288 Set up Appveyor CI build
    * 290 Stack trace still displays too many items
    * 315 NUnit 3.0 alpha: Cannot run in console on my assembly
    * 319 CI builds are not treating test failures as failures of the build
    * 322 Remove Stopwatch tests where they test the real .NET Stopwatch

    NUnit 3.0 Alpha 2 发布,.NET 单元测试下载地址