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新闻 Apache Curator 2.7.0 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-04 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Apache Curator 2.7.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载,二进制包提供在 Maven 库。更新内容请看这里:

    Bug 修复

    • [CURATOR-42] - Background guaranteed delete considers NoNode to be a failed delete, and retries it

    • [CURATOR-67] - Issue with default JSONInstanceSerializer for discovery service builder

    • [CURATOR-71] - Error message in StandardLockInternalsDriver for retryable lock acquire error

    • [CURATOR-79] - InterProcessMutex doesn't clean up after interrupt

    • [CURATOR-119] - Remove explicit year from Appendix in LICENSE files

    • [CURATOR-121] - PathChildrenCache is throwing an InterruptedException when being closed

    • [CURATOR-123] - ConnectionStateListener advertises READ_ONLY instead of CONNECTED the first time around

    • [CURATOR-126] - IllegalStateException in performBackgroundOperation during close

    • [CURATOR-127] - Fix trivial warnings

    • [CURATOR-128] - Enhance ZKPaths to be more lenient

    • [CURATOR-130] - Some examples may throw NPE on end of input

    • [CURATOR-131] - Should not modify collection while iterating over it

    • [CURATOR-132] - setACL doesn't work with namespaced curator

    • [CURATOR-136] - Invalid LeaderLatch path never errors

    • [CURATOR-137] - BaseTestTreeCache does not compile using Java 6

    • [CURATOR-139] - Add slf4j logging implementation to test scope

    • [CURATOR-141] - Avoid confusing error logging when PathChildrenCache and curator client are closed.

    • [CURATOR-149] - ChildData's path check prevents the initialization of PathChildrenCache class

    • [CURATOR-155] - PersistentEphemeralNode doesn't update data with sequence or protected mode

    • [CURATOR-156] - A typo error in "PathCacheExample"

    • [CURATOR-6] - JavaDoc in com.netflix.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState isn't clear

    • [CURATOR-33] - Recursive Node Cache

    • [CURATOR-118] - Streamline release process by adding configuration to the pom

    • [CURATOR-124] - PathChildrenCache StartMode documentation improvement

    • [CURATOR-142] - Make surefire forkCount configurable

    • [CURATOR-143] - Introduce a max depth setting for TreeCache

    • [CURATOR-147] - Avoid internal use of deprecated APIs

    • [CURATOR-151] - SharedValue has limited utility but can be improved

    • [CURATOR-84] - More flexibility for InterProcessMutex extensions

    zookeeper 的客户端调用过于复杂,Apache Curator 就是为了简化zookeeper客户端调用而生,利用它,可以更好的使用zookeeper。
    Apache Curator 2.7.0 发布下载地址