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新闻 IntelliJ IDEA 14 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-05 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    IntelliJ IDEA 14 发布,此版本现已提供下载



    1. 为了完善工作流,为 Java 类集合添加了一个 decompiler,不再需要任意的第三方插件;

    2. 改进了调试器,可以在编辑器他们用法后边显示变量值,提供一个新的 Show Referring Objects action,Evaluate 表达式对话框支持 Lambda 表达式;

    3. 改进了编辑器, smart Backspace key behavior, code style detection, Scratch files 等等改进;

    4. 扩展了代码审查功能,提供一个新的关键代码分析功能,为了自动化支持 Java 库的 infer @NotNull, @Nullable and @Contract annotations ,基于字节码;

    5. 其他值得关注的更新:

    • Maven integration gets better support for profiles and MANIFEST.MF generation.

    • Gradle integration, among other general enhancements, offers the standard Test runner for running test tasks, and lets you specify the Gradle task ‘Before the launch’ in run configuration.

    • Log viewer and Push dialog have been improved for Git and Mercurial. The existing Mercurial integration now offer synchronous branch control and supports subrepositories.

    • JavaFX Scene Builder is now built into the editor. You no longer need to switch away from IntelliJ IDEA when editing your layouts.

    • The built-in set of database tools has been improved in many ways, including Integrated Windows Authentication support for SQL Server, ‘Navigate to Table/Procedure’ action, a better Table view, and much more.

    6. 支持 WebStorm 9.0 的所有新特性和改进

    7. 支持 Play 2.x 框架

    8. IntelliJ IDEA 14 添加了大量 Android Studio 的新特性,支持 Android Wear 和 TV,还有一些其他的大量功能增强.

    更多更新内容请看 What’s new 页面或者发行说明
    IntelliJ IDEA 14 发布下载地址