Forge 2.12.2.Final (Pins) 发布,此版本现已提供下载。值得关注的改进有: 从 cURL 安装 Forge:如果你在 Mac OS X 或者 Linux 环境下,你可以从 curl: curl | sh 安装 Forge。 组件升级:Roaster 升级到 2.9.0.Final 版本,支持 JavaDoc 生成和解析。 添加更多的命令:你现在可以创建异常类,CDI decorators,甚至是整个类的 DAOs。 完整更新说明: [FORGE-2113] - command-list throws java.lang.IllegalStateException: A project is required in the current context [FORGE-2127] - rest-setup --jaxrsVersion 2.0 adds jboss-javaee-6.0 to javaee 7.0 projects [FORGE-2137] - Running Forge -e sets INTERACTIVE flag to false permanently 组件升级 [FORGE-2100] - Upgrade to Roaster 2.9.0.Final 功能请求 [FORGE-1896] - Install Forge from CURL [FORGE-2076] - Add command to generate DAOs from JPA Entities 子任务 [FORGE-2058] - Being able to create fields with generics types [FORGE-2065] - CDI commands should have implicit setup [FORGE-2066] - In jta-setup version should be renamed to jtaVersion [FORGE-2068] - When creating a new field, updating toString should be optional [FORGE-2078] - Being able to create a new CDI decorator [FORGE-2085] - Improving the cdi-new-bean command [FORGE-2091] - Being able to create a new Java exception [FORGE-2101] - jpa-new-field command should have a --not-nullable attribute Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。 JBoss Forge 2.12.2.Final (Pins) 发布下载地址