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新闻 Piwik 2.9.0 发布,网站访问统计系统 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-13 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Piwik 2.9.0 发布,此版本专注于可靠性和稳定性,总共关闭了 58 个 tickets,8 位贡献者参与。

    Piwik 是 New Zealand Open Source Software Awards 的获奖者之一,恭喜 Piwik 获得了 NZOSA。

    Piwik 2.9.0 包括一个重要的数据库升级,如果你有大量的数据在你的数据库,那需要很长的一段时间来升级,更多内容请看: Update Piwik guide for high traffic instances

    -> Check out this CHANGELOG.md file

    Marketplace 上的新插件:

    List of 58 tickets closed in Piwik 2.9.0

    • #6485 ERROR: API returned an error: Trying to add two strings in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray: ‘7.01%’ + ‘7.12%’ for row [by @mattab]

    • #5052 Enable IP anonymisation by default, let users disable anonymisation during Piwik installation [by @mnapoli]

    • #6579 When activating IP anonimisation, anonimise two bytes by default [by @mnapoli]

    • #6581 Let user customize privacy options on last step of installation [by @mnapoli, @mattab]

    • #6566 Let users deactivate DoNotTrack feature during installation [by @mnapoli]

    • #6420 New browser engine reports based on new browser engine detection of DeviceDetector [by @sgiehl, @mattab]

    • #6417 allocateNewArchiveId: Cannot get named lock allocateNewArchiveId [by @tsteur]

    • #4595 Transitions & Page Overlays not working on one page, but working on others [by @mattab]

    • #4558 Raise Password length to 80 [by @tsteur]

    • #1879 Import/Export functionnality for Sites and Administrative data

    • #6494 Extracting the IP class into a standalone “network” component

    • #6484 Improving discussions and communication with RFC (Requests for Comments)

    • #6435 Wrong database values when float representation is not set to English standard [by @tsteur]

    • #5365 Do not store Accept-language full string, only store detected language

    • #6511 Scheduled report sends empty file for SiteSearch plugin [by @tsteur]

    • #6508 Slow query from purgeInvalidatedArchiveTable (query is 3-10min long on bigger instances) [by @mattab]

    • #6502 Release WebsiteGroups plugin in the Marketplace [by @tsteur]

    • #6607 Let user specify in config file how many rows will be displayed in Scheduled Reports. [by @czolnowski, @mattab]

    • #6570 Add compatibility for running ./console with php-cgi by setting SERVER args from GET parameters. [by @diosmosis]

    • #6555 Introduced the DI container [by @mnapoli, @mattab]

    • #6632 Increase allowed password length from 26 to 80 [by @tsteur, @mattab]

    • #6612 Change default logger level from WARNING to ERROR [by @mattab, @sgiehl]

    • #6631 Make sure to output float values in row evolution in case a German locale is used [by @tsteur]

    • #6598 When a site ID was invalidated via API CoreAdminHome.invalidateArchivedReports, it should be reprocessed even when archiving fails at first [by @mattab]

    • #6553 Fix 404 errors when opening developer tools (remove all *.js.map source mappings in merged JS) [by @tsteur]

    • #6496 [ScheduledTasks] The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows [by @tsteur, @mattab]

    • #6517 Extracted the IP class into a standalone Network component [by @mnapoli, @mattab]

    • #6645 Easier configuration to run tests [by @tsteur]

    • #6626 fix list of plugins is not sorted correct [by @tsteur]

    • #6621 Removed group check before running any PHP tests. [by @tsteur, @mattab]

    • #6611 Normalize less decimal fields in System tests [by @tsteur]

    • #6606 API: skip truncation filter if truncate value is negative [by @czolnowski, @mattab]

    • #6595 Piwik 2.8 cannot be installed on PHP 5.3.3 [by @mnapoli]

    • #6591 Added videa.seznam.cz (seznam video) [by @DaSchTour, @mattab]

    • #6588 Remove auto update step “Creating Backup Of Configuration File” [by @mattab]

    • #6587 Refactor out HtmlMessageException [by @tsteur]

    • #6584 Log Import: `php /home/piwik/docroot/misc/cron/updatetoken.php` failed with error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘General_ExceptionConfigurationFileNotFound’ [by @mattab]

    • #6556 Move code coverage from Travis to Scrutinizer [by @mnapoli]

    • #6549 Speed up unit tests [by @mnapoli]

    • #6547 Remove TestRunner plugin in latest.zip [by @tsteur, @mattab]

    • #6541 Use exceptions instead of calls to Piwik_ExitWithMessage [by @diosmosis]

    • #6540 Added a test runner that launches tests on AWS [by @tsteur]

    • #6537 Searching for a number in Website Selector leads to SQL error [by @mattab]

    • #6533 Show development commands only if development mode is enabled [by @tsteur]

    • #6532 generate:travis-yml command sometimes fails to detect tests in plugin [by @mnapoli]

    • #6523 Add example archiver and CoreConsole task to generate Archiver into plugin. [by @mgazdzik, @tsteur]

    • #6520 fix annotations which were broken in case there was no space after anota… [by @mgazdzik, @mattab]

    • #6519 APIs marked as deprecated can’t be used anymore [by @tsteur]

    • #6514 Entry pages footer links lead to “Action not found” [by @czolnowski, @mattab]

    • #6429 As a developer I want to have a faster response whether my code breaks any tests [by @tsteur]

    • #6414 Run Screenshot tests on PHP 5.3

    • #6353 Scrutinizer-CI

    • #6334 Sorting seems to be lexical instead of numerical in Visitors → Settings → Plugins [by @tsteur]

    • #6317 core:update displays instructions -after- updating [by @tsteur]

    • #6220 Move ‘System check’ menu entry to ‘Diagnostic’ section [by @mattab]

    • #6009 Rename some methods in Plugin Manager [by @tsteur]

    • #5330 German localisation: Avg. generation time shown in full seconds in row evolution graph [by @tsteur]

    • #6596 [automatic translation update] Updated 121 strings in 19 languages (cs, da, de, fa, it, ja, pl, sv, pt, hi, fi, ru, sr, tr, ro, fr, nl, el, es) [by @sgiehl]

    • #6594 [automatic translation update] Updated 427 strings in 24 languages (fi, nl, be, ca, id, ko, lv, pt, sq, vi, ja, da, de, el, fr, it, bg, cs, es, ro, ru, sr, sv, sl) [by @sgiehl]

    Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。

    现在官方已经推出 移动客户端(iOS & Android)

    Piwik 2.9.0 发布,网站访问统计系统下载地址