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新闻 Teiid 8.9 Final 发布,数据虚拟化系统 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-19 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Teiid 8.9 Final 发布,此版本的开发比往常的 12 个星期多了 4 个星期,主要是要适应一个新版本的 host 环境 JBoss EAP 6.3.0 Alpha。此版本现已提供下载:http://teiid.jboss.org/downloads/

    此版本解决了超过 100 个 issues,主要改进内容如下:​
    • TEIID-3009 WITH project minimization - common table expressions will have their project columns minimized.
    • TEIID-3038 geoSpatial support for MongoDB translator
    • TEIID-3050 Increased Insert Performance with sources that support batching or insert with iterator.
    • TEIID-3044 Function Metadata is available through system tables and DatabaseMetaData.
    • TEIID-1910 TeiidPlatform for EclipseLink integration is now provided via the teiid-eclipselink-platform jar in maven.
    • TEIID-3119 Performance improvements in grouping and duplicate removal as well as general improvements to memory management.
    • TEIID-3156 Collation aware prevention of order by pushdown via the collationLocale translator property and the org.teiid.requireTeiidCollation system property.
    • TEIID-3042 Usage Information on views and procedures in the system table SYSADMIN.Usage.
    • OData4 Support - There is partial support for OData4 using the Apache Olingo project. The OData2 is still intact. We consider this still as experimental feature.
    Teiid 8.10 的开发正在进行中,计划在 2015 年 2 月 15 日发布。
    Thank you.
    Steve and Ramesh.



    简而言之:Teiid 可以让你用 JDBC + SQL 来访问企业的任何数据,并可对这些不同源的数据进行联合查询。

    Teiid 8.9 Final 发布,数据虚拟化系统下载地址