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新闻 Piwik 2.9.1 发布,网站访问统计系统 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-20 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Piwik 2.9.1 发布,此版本修复了一些 2.9.0 版本的 bug。总共解决了 32 个 issues,总共有 5 位贡献者。

    此版本不包括任何重要的数据库升级,包括非常重要的新 Tracker API 特性和新工作台命令。

    -> Check out this CHANGELOG.md file

    List of 32 tickets closed in Piwik 2.9.1

    • #6682 New Language for Piwik: Tagalog

    • #1757 Code signing for Piwik releases, and explain to users how to verify PGP signatures

    • #6694 Scheduled reports: All websites report should display all websites not just top 100 [by @mattab]

    • #6692 Marketplace menu link should link to Marketplace directly [by @mattab]

    • #6684 Fix installation when privacy form submitted [by @mnapoli, @mattab]

    • #6685 Installation: add new screenshot test for the final step form submit [by @diosmosis]

    • #6661 Tracker throws 500 errors when idsite is invalid causing false alerts [by @tsteur]

    • #6659 Return HTTP 204 instead of GIF for JavaScript tracking. [by @tsteur]

    • #6617 Humongous file in /tmp/climulti [by @tsteur]

    • #6599 Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in piwik/core/DataArray.php on line 102 [by @mattab]

    • #6680 Fatal error on installation: Call to private method [by @mattab]

    • #6577 Performance enhancement: Return HTTP 204 instead of GIF for JavaScript tracking [by @tsteur]

    • #6096 Deprecate Google2Piwik

    • #6675 Support Markdown in the Marketplace for plugin descriptions [by @tsteur]

    • #6674 Detect pk_cpn as an alias to pk_campaign and utm_campaign [by @mattab]

    • #6671 Throw HTTP 400 error when idsite is invalid [by @tsteur]

    • #6670 Piwik 2.9.0: Missing language strings on Websites Management page [by @mnapoli]

    • #6669 Upgrading Debian packaged Piwik 2.8.3->2.9 breakage. “config/global.php doesn’t exist ”

    • #6667 CliMulti: If process or output size is unexpected large, declare it as finished [by @tsteur, @mattab]

    • #6665 Piwik 2.9: untranslated string [by @tsteur, @mnapoli]

    • #6664 when trust_visitors_cookies = 1 is used, replaying logs cause discrepencies [by @diosmosis]

    • #6663 Console command to list activated plugins [by @mattab]

    • #6662 bower install piwik [by @tsteur]

    • #6587 Refactor out HtmlMessageException [by @tsteur]

    • #5800 add namespaces to test files [by @diosmosis]

    • #6696 Error in update script 2.9.0-b7 [by @mattab]

    • #6695 show the console `git:pull` command whenever Piwik is deployed from git [by @mattab]

    • #6686 OneVisitorNoKeywordSpecifiedTest fails since v2.9.0-b1 [by @sgiehl]

    • #6688 [automatic translation update] Updated 35 strings in 4 languages (fr, tl, de, it) [by @sgiehl]

    • #6681 [automatic translation update] Updated 2472 strings in 3 languages (tl, sl, fr) [by @sgiehl]

    • #6668 [automatic translation update] Updated 179 strings in 7 languages (fr, nl, cs, el, da, de, it) [by @sgiehl]

    Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。

    现在官方已经推出 移动客户端(iOS & Android)

    Piwik 2.9.1 发布,网站访问统计系统下载地址