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新闻 Percona Server 5.6.21-70.1 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-11-25 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Percona Server 5.6.21-70.1 发布,该版本主要是 bug 修复,包括:

    • A slave replicating in RBR mode would crash, if a table definition between master and slave differs with an allowed conversion, and the binary log contains a table map event followed by two row log events. This bug is an upstream regression introduced by a fix for bug #72610. Bug fixed #1380010.

    • An incorrect source code function attribute would cause MySQL to crash on an InnoDB row write, if compiled with a recent GCC with certain compilation options. Bug fixed #1390695 (upstream #74842).

    • MTR tests for Response Time Distribution were not packaged in binary packages. Bug fixed #1387170.

    • The RPM packages provided for CentOS 5 were built using a debugging information format which is not supported in the gdb version included with CentOS 5.10. Bug fixed #1388972.

    • A session on a server in mixed mode binlogging would switch to row-based binlogging whenever a temporary table was created and then queried. This switch would last until the session end or until all temporary tables in the session were dropped. This was unnecessarily restrictive and has been fixed so that only the statements involving temporary tables were logged in the row-based format whereas the rest of the statements would continue to use the statement-based logging. Bug fixed #1313901 (upstream #72475).

    其他 bug 还包括: #1387227, and #1388001.

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