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新闻 biicode 2.0 发布,C/C++ 依赖管理器 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-12-18 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    biicode 2.0 发布,2.0 版本包括如下改进内容:

    • View online which blocks depend on your code

    • Premium accounts in which code can also be stored privately and shared alike. Just like Github’s private repos

    • New and simpler configuration in a single “biicode.conf” file, instead of several tiny files granting more flexibility

    • A new system to reuse CMake scripts. Now, CMakeLists.txt can automatically depend on existing CMake scripts, they will be automatically retrieved, versioned, shared, exactly as other source code files

    • Improved CMake build system, with Interface targets. Possibility of setting options to and configuring blocks you depend on

    • Possible to specify #include mappings to blocks, so no modification at all is necessary in code

    • Support for Arduino 1.5 for Yun board

    • Python hooks for custom tasks. Examples of hooks that automatically retrieve and configure system-wide some popular and large frameworks as OpenCV, wxWidgets or Boost

    • Blocks can use different variants, called “tracks” to choose and switch between lib versions or flavours. For example, can be used to maintain several development branches simultaneously as lasote/libuv(v1.0) and lasote/libuv(v0.10), and changing from one to the other does not require any change to code

    • Big update in documentation, both in style and contents

    biicode 是一个支持多平台的 C/C++ 依赖管理器。可集成到 Visual Studio 和 Eclipse CDT 中。该工具目前是免费的,即将开源。


    也可直接在 CMake 中使用:

    biicode 2.0 发布,C/C++ 依赖管理器下载地址