OGLplus 0.55.0 发布,此版本添加了 ``ClientContext`` 类,用来维护(暂时只有部分) GL 状态,允许 push/pop 独立状态变量或者是高效查询和改变他们的值。此版本同时还更新了快速入门文档;平台的移植不再至此和原始重启参数;一些 bug 修复。 改进记录 ======= - The ``oglplus::ClientContext`` class was added. - The ``EnumToClass`` template and its specializations were added. - A new getter/setter functions were added to ``oglplus::Context``. - A bug in ``Texture::Active`` was fixed. - Some of the shape builders were ported to platforms not supporting GL primitive restart. - The Quickbook documentation was updated. - Minor changes were made in the compiler configuration header. - One of the examples was updated to show the new features. 此版本现已提供下载: oglplus-0.55.0.zip oglplus-0.55.0.tar.gz 更多内容请看这里。 OGLplus (oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C++ 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让在 C++ 中使用 OpenGL 更加简单和安全。 OGLplus 0.55.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库下载地址