Sequelize.js 提供对 MySQL,MariaDB,SQLite 和 PostgreSQL 数据库的简单访问,通过映射数据库条目到对象,或者对象到数据库条目。简而言之,就是 ORM(Object-Relational-Mapper)。Sequelize.js 完全是使用 JavaScript 编写,适用于 Node.js 的环境。 Sequelize 2.0.0RC4 发布,此版本更新内容如下: [INTERNALS] 更新 inflection 依赖到 v1.5.3 [FEATURE] 使用错误对象代替连接错误的字符串错误信息 #2576 [FEATURE] Support for updating fields on duplicate key in bulk update (mysql only) #2692 [FEATURE] 基础支持 Microsoft SQL Server [INTERNALS] Deprecate migration logic. This is now implemented in umzug and the CLI. [BUG] Fixed various inconsistencies with Instance.update and how it behaves together with create, fields and more. [BUG] Fixed crash/bug when using include.where together with association.scope [BUG] Fixed support for Instance.destroy() and field for postgres. 向后兼容改进 一些连接错误的字符串错误信息被实际的错误实例替换 更多信息请看更新日志。 Sequelize 2.0.0RC4 发布,基本支持 SQL Server下载地址