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新闻 Semantic UI 1.5.0 发布,名副其实版本帝 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-12-31 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    我想告诉大家的是 Semantic UI 又发布了 1.5.0 版本了!!!尽管很多 Semantic UI 的爱好者会对此文标题有意见,但看看从一个月前的 1.0 版本到现在已经发布了 9 个版本了!每次的更新都包括 bug 修复和改进。


    Critical Bugs

    • Build Tools 1.4.0 introduced a bug with concatenated uncompressed dist/ release including minified code. This would occur only when no components were specified in installer or semantic.json.


    • Dropdown - New setting allowCategorySelection lets menu items with sub menus be selected. Added example in docs.

    • Reset - Reset now inherits box-sizing from html tag

    • Label - ui ribbon label can now appear on the right side of content when specifying ui right ribbon label

    • Checkbox - Checkboxes now can handle labels with multiple lines of text

    • Progress - Progress bars now display all intermediary percentage values when animating. Improved performance when progress bar is rapidly updated.

    • Popup - Popup now uses the new property min-width: max-content to allow for better display with inline in some circumstances where it escapes parent element.

    • Table - Table now has coupling with image to make sure size is preserved correctly with table sizing when used inside a table cell.

    • Menu - ui fixed menu now defaults to ui top fixed menu


    • Form - Fixed (x) wide field not having correct bottom field margin when in fields group on tablet or mobile

    • Tab - Calls to global $.tab() would not pass arguments correctly

    • Dropdown/Search - Fixed issues with ui search and ui search dropdown using RegExp test which advances pointer on match causing results to display incorrectly

    • Form - ui input now receives the same formatting as a normal input inside an inline field

    • Grid - Fix display of equal height stackable grid. Add padding to divided stackable grid for dividers

    • Input - Fixed bug when ui action input uses a ui icon button, button was receiving i.icon formatting.

    • List - Fixed bug when using ui icon button or ui icon header causing element to receive icon formatting

    • Grid - Fixed issues where negative margins on ui stackable grid could cause horizontal scroll bars on mobile

    • Popup - Popup destroy will now also destroy any unfired timers (show/hide delay)

    • Popup - Popup now moves to the same offset context to avoid positioning errors when using a named pre-existing popup.
    Semantic UI 1.5.0 发布,名副其实版本帝下载地址