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新闻 Cocos2d-JS 3.2 发布,开源 2D 游戏框架 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2014-12-31 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Cocos2d-JS 3.2 发布了,该版本值得关注的改进内容包括:

    • 分离渲染逻辑重构 Web 引擎,目前已经完成架构级别的重构,带来非常好的性能提升,特别是在移动浏览器上

    • 重构 Web 引擎的分辨率适配和音频引擎的 polyfilled 适配逻辑,带来更好的兼容性和可扩展性

    • 支持和 JSB 模块化

    • 增加重启游戏的特性和修复 AssetsManager 严重 bug,可轻松更新资源和脚本

    • Bound all missed chipmunk API in JSB, this greatly improved physics game support in Cocos2d-JS.

    Canvas 渲染模型性能测试



    使用 JSB 构建有如下限制:

    • [Android build] 建议 NDK 版本 r10c, 如果你无需兼容 Android 5.0,则可使用 r9d,其他 NDK 不支持

    • [iOS build] Xcode 版本必须是 5.1.1 +

    • [Web code obfuscation] JRE 或者 JDK 版本必须是 1.6 or 1.7



    • Cross platforms developers can use Cocos Console to create projects, boost their development with web version engine and deploy games onto all native platforms and all browsers with Cocos Console.

    • Casual web game developers can download the Lite Version and start to develop just like using other web frameworks (e.g. jQuery).




    1. Download the Cocos2d-JS v3.2 package.

    2. Upgrade cocos command with setup.py.

    3. Create a new project with cocos new command.

    4. Replace the "src", "res", "index.html", "project.json", "main.js" etc with your old project.

    5. Then you may need to refer to the upgrade guide to solve some API change issues.

    关于 Cocos2d 家族

    • Cocos2d-JS v3.2 uses Cocos2d-x v3.3 as base of JSB solution

    • Cocos2d-JS v3.2 is compatible with Cocos Code IDE v1.1.0

    • Cocos2d-JS v3.2 is compatible with Cocos Studio v1.2 - v1.6, Cocos Studio 2 support have been removed because flat buffer binary file can't be parsed in JS, we will support Cocos Studio 2 in v3.3 with a JSON format parser.


    Cocos2d-JS 3.2 发布,开源 2D 游戏框架下载地址