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新闻 Sequelize.js 2.0.0 RC6 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-05 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Sequelize.js 提供对 MySQLMariaDBSQLitePostgreSQL 数据库的简单访问,通过映射数据库条目到对象,或者对象到数据库条目。简而言之,就是 ORM(Object-Relational-Mapper)。Sequelize.js 完全是使用 JavaScript 编写,适用于 Node.js 的环境。

    Sequelize.js 2.0.0 RC6 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

    • [BUG] Fixed issue with including by association reference and where

    之前几个小时还发布了 Sequelize.js 2.0.0 RC5 :

    • [BUG] Fixed issue with subquery creating include.where and a paranoid main model.#2749/#2769

    • UniqueConstraintErrors will now extend from ValidationError making it possible to catch both with .catch(ValidationError)

    • [FEATURE] Adds {save: false} for belongsTo relationship setters. user.setOrganization(organization, {save: false}) will then only set the foreign key value, but not trigger a save on user.

    • [FEATURE] When updating an instance _previousDataValues will now be updated after afterUpdate hooks have been run rather than before allowing you to use changed in afterUpdate

    • [BUG] Sequelize will no longer fail on a postgres constraint error not defined by Sequelize

    • [FEATURE] It's now possible to pass an association reference to include. var Owner = Company.belongsTo(User, {as: 'owner'}; Company.findOne({include: [Owner]});

    • When updating an instance _previousDataValues will now be updated after afterUpdate hooks have been run rather than before allowing you to use changed in afterUpdate
    Sequelize.js 2.0.0 RC6 发布下载地址