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新闻 Less CSS 2.2.0 发布,CSS 预处理器 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-05 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Less CSS 框架发布了 2.2.0 版本,改进记录包括:

    • do not apply relative paths to svg-gradient and data-uri functions data-uri output

    • using import filename interpolation and import inline together now works

    • deprecate the compression option (still works, but outputs a warning unless silent)

    • The node version of less now has image-size, image-width, image-height which return the image dimensions of a file

    • Fixed an issue that could cause the parse to occur more than once and the callback be called multiple times

    • if you are outputting to the console, lessc defaults to silent so warnings do not end up in output

    • isunit function supports '' to test if a dimension has no unit

    • data-uri function now counts characters after base64 encoding instead of bytes before encoding to determine ie8 support

    • fix bug effecting guards on pseudo class selectors

    • do not cache on the browser when used with modifyVars

    • detection if less does not parse last character in file

    • detection of whether a file is css now requires /css, .css, ?css, &css instead of just css. You can still tell less the type of file using import options.

    • remove extra new line added to sourcemap entry inline file

    • support safari extension

    • less.parse now exposes a way to get the AST. We do not recommend you use this unless you need to.

    Less CSS 是一个使用广泛的 CSS 预处理器,通过简单的语法和变量对 CSS 进行扩展,可减少很多 CSS 的代码量。

    LESS 将 CSS 赋予了动态语言的特性,如 变量, 继承, 运算, 函数. LESS 既可以在 客户端 上运行 (支持IE 6+, Webkit, Firefox),也可一在服务端运行 (借助 Node.js).

    Less CSS 2.2.0 发布,CSS 预处理器下载地址