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新闻 Sequelize 2.0.0RC7 发布,基于 Node.js 的 ORM 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-09 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Sequelize.js 提供对 MySQLMariaDBSQLitePostgreSQL 数据库的简单访问,通过映射数据库条目到对象,或者对象到数据库条目。简而言之,就是 ORM(Object-Relational-Mapper)。Sequelize.js 完全是使用 JavaScript 编写,适用于 Node.js 的环境。

    Sequelize 2.0.0RC7 发布,此版本现已提供下载:Sequelize 3.0.0.RC7.zip,主要更新内容如下:

    • [FEATURE] Throw an error if no where clause is given to Model.destroy().

    • [BUG] Fixed issue with order: sequelize.literal('string')

    • [FEATURE] add clone: true support to .get(). Is needed when using delete on values from a .get() (toJSON(), this.values). (.get() is just a reference to the values for performance reasons when there's no custom getters or includes)

    • [FEATURE] add sequelize.escape(value) convenience method

    • [BUG] Fixes crash with findAll({include: [Model], order: sequelize.literal()})

    • [FEATURE] Now possible to pass createdAt and updatedAt values to Model.create/Model.bulkCreate when using silent: true (when importing datasets with existing timestamps)

    • [FEATURE] instance.update() using default fields will now automatically also save and validate values provided via beforeUpdate hooks

    • [BUG] Fixed bad SQL when updating a JSON attribute with a different field

    • [BUG] Fixed issue with creating and updating values of a DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.JSON) attribute

    • [BUG] Model.bulkCreate([{}], {returning: true}) will now correctly result in instances with primary key values.

    • [BUG] instance.save() with fields: [] (as a result of .changed() being []) will no result in a noop instead of an empty update query.

    • [BUG] Fixed case where findOrCreate could return [null, true] when given a defaults value that triggered a unique constraint error.

    • instance.update() using default fields will now automatically also save and validate values provided via beforeUpdate hooks

    • Sequelize no longer supports case insensitive mysql enums

    Sequelize 2.0.0RC7 发布,基于 Node.js 的 ORM下载地址