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新闻 libsodium 1.0.2 发布,加密库 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-16 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    libsodium 是一个先进而且易用的加密库。主要用于加密、解密、签名和生成密码哈希等等。这是一个可移植的、跨编译器支持、可安装的,基于 NaCI 开发,提供一个兼容 API。

    libsodium 1.0.2 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

    • The _easy and _detached APIs now support precalculated keys; crypto_box_easy_afternm(), crypto_box_open_easy_afternm(), crypto_box_detached_afternm() and crypto_box_open_detached_afternm()have been added as an alternative to the NaCl interface.

    • Memory allocation functions can now be used on operating systems with no memory protection.

    • crypto_sign_open() and crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open() now accept a NULL pointer instead of a pointer to the message size, if storing this information is not required.

    • The close-on-exec flag is now set on the descriptor returned when opening /dev/urandom.

    • A libsodium-uninstalled.pc file to use pkg-config even when libsodium is not installed, has been added.

    • The iOS target now includes armv7s and arm64 optimized code, as well as i386 and x86_64 code for the iOS simulator.

    • sodium_free() can now be called on regions with PROT_NONE protection.

    • The Javascript tests can run on Ubuntu, where the node binary was renamed nodejs. io.js can also be used instead of node.

    libsodium 1.0.2 发布,加密库下载地址