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新闻 Android Studio 1.1 Preview 1 预览版发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-16 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Android Studio 1.1 Preview 1 预览版发布,该版本主要是 bug 修复,目前团队同时也在进行 1.2 版本的开发,1.2 版本主要是基于 IntelliJ 14 的代码基础。


    • New projects now create launcher icons as @mipmap resources instead of @drawable (see http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2014/10/getting-your-apps-ready-for-nexus-6-and.html for more)

    • The various "cleanup" detectors for lint (e.g. checking that FragmentTransactions are committed, and that TypedArrays are recycled, and so on), now run incrementally within the IDE. They've also been extended to search for additional problems, such as missing close calls on database cursors, or missing release calls on SurfaceTextures:

    • There are a couple of new lint checks:

      • A lint check which tries to identify string resources that should probably be using plurals instead

      • A lint check which warns you that @android:string/yes returns OK, not Yes

      • Several other lint checks that were bytecode based and only ran from Gradle (not lint in the IDE) have been ported to run incrementally in the IDE: Uses of SimpleDateFormat which should probably use getDateInstance instead, checks that addJavaScriptInterface points to a class annotated with @JavaScriptInterface, and a check looking for leaked Handler objects.

    • There is a new template for creating watch faces for Android Wear:

    同时修复了如下 bug:

    82378: Android Studio doesn't start, unable to find valid JVM

    92858: Restrict IconDensities check with splits density data

    81597: Incorrect inspection about Android problem for non-Android project

    80668: Lint report doesn't explain how to suppress warnings from Gradle.

    80679: tools:background should not trigger an overdraw warning

    92789: False positive in lint PropertyEscape

    82588: Lint: Make TypographyQuotes work with plurals

    82861: Library project is created with launcher icon resources

    82862: The xxhdpi launcher icon differs from other densities

    82351: src, layout folders are empty while creating new project

    78625: AVD Default orientation

    80940: Update lint to ECJ 4.4, ASM 5.0.3: NullPointerException by running lint

    80872: Don't match resource names for format-parameter only strings

    82634: "Palette" show twice in View > Tools Window

    94499: Fixing the device preview in the search and create cases

    82564: Making AVD Manager separate (non-modal) window.

    77158: Allow settings.gradle to include projects dynamically

    76923: can't create outgoing link from widgets that are in included layouts

    81908: Check if mksdcard can be executed

    82837: Update wizards to use new headers

    82764: AVD Manager: SD Card Radio Button Selection

    82991: AVD Manager: Fix Key lines of the Verify Configuration Screen

    82106: install, bad link to linux KVM

    77889: save screenshot: respect device art masks

    81525: Added "Download JDK 7" quick-fix.

    82813: uncommitted fragment transactions not highlighted by lint

    81396: @DrawableRes doesn't match R.mipmap drawables

    79629: Translations Editor does not show newly added locale

    82768: Making the AVD ID field look non-editable

    93158: Properly handle parent class lookup in the API check for this-expressions

    78382: Lint uses incorrect API level while analyzing Java Library modules

    91988: FlagManager asserts on region code es-419

    74568: ADV Manager has start button but no stop button!

    80494: Move Clear All and Scroll to End actions

    82203: Installer now waits for uninstaller

    82126: studio.exe can again run on Win64

    83198: NPE when missing dependency during import

    82770: Updating api distributions and distribution dialog text

    82812: Updating title of AVD Manager window

    78668: Adding hardware buttons for nexus one and nexus s

    82184: file paths (in local.properties) are no longer treated as relative if they belong to a different platform.

    82837: Use black icons only

    81166: device chooser: Prefer to use a device rather than the emulator

    82852: After switching device types, the system image list broke

    82753: Use $ as separator inner classes in fragment names

    77635: Fix scaling of device diagram.

    82503: Adding defaults for new avd creation wizard

    81739: Fixing avd duplication

    79105: Fixing button styles in avd manager

    81768: Compute default parameter values quickly

    81662: Fixing skin chooser on windows

    82282: Do not require approval of all licenses

    81342: Improve JDK detection algorithm

    77953: NPE on configuring library documentation

    82159: Closing exported device files.

    81713: Try to detect jdk location automatically on entering the step

    81346: Visual feedback for 'Detect JDK' button processing

    81620: Do not download samples

    79778: apk installation: do not throw error for unexpected dumpsys output

    81499: device chooser: special case Google APIs target

    + Misc other fixes for crashes reported via the crash reporter

    + Bug fixes not tagged with a bug number in the commit message.
    Android Studio 1.1 Preview 1 预览版发布下载地址