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新闻 OrientDB 2.0 正式发布,可用于生产环境! 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-21 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    OrientDB 2.0 正式发布,可用于生产环境!

    OrientDB 2.0 比 OrientDB 1.7 更快(很多用户都注意到有 40% 的性能提升),特别是在多个服务器分布式使用的时候,性能提升很大。OrientDB 使用新的二进制协议压缩,数据库大小占用文件系统的空间更少,I/O 吞吐量更高!



    • Avoids rebuilding of indexes if working in Transactional mode

    • New Schema Driver Serialization avoids writing field names for records with Schema resulting in 20% performance improvement

    • New RW-Locks to speed-up internal parallelism

    • In-Memory database uses off-heap cache now

    • Disabled SNAPPY compression by default

    • Improved schema concurrency using immutable instances

    • Added strategies to manage conflict: by content and auto-merge. Furthermore can be injected custom strategy via Java API

    • Cache, removed 2nd level cache and improved 1st level cache

    • Cluster selection strategy now can decide on the input document content

    • Clusters can be detached (offline) and re-attached (online)

    • Better automatic allocation of Heap and Disk-Cache

    • Fetch-Plan: support for wildcards

    • Using SIGTRAP (kill -5) to dump OrientDB information

    • Logged database name on server and embedded messages

    • Removed a couple of internal layers on Document API to speedup and simplify implementation. Added also ODocument.fromMap() and ODocument.toMap()

    • Merged in core commons and native-os modules

    • On first run, the server asks for the root password. Blank means auto-generate (like before)

    • Global settings are copied in database at creation time and can be update

    • Lucene plugin for Full-Text and Spatial indexes is now in bundle with default distribution

    ### Distributed

    • 3x performance improvement

    • New asynchronous replication

    • On first run, ask for node name. Blank means auto-generate (like before)

    • Unified script and config files with stand-alone server

    ### Javascript

    • Invoking of JS functions is now 10x faster due to caching of the JVM Script engine

    ### Network

    • Support for stateless requests using Token

    ### Graph API

    • Disabled light-weight edges by default

    • New OGraphBatchInsertBasic and OGraphBatchInsert API for massive insertion on graphs: 13x faster than Blueprints

    • New SQL MOVE VERTEX command to refactor portion of graphs and to move vertices between distributed nodes

    • Improved OrientGraphFactory performance reducing recycling time. Added central config of generated graphs in Factory

    • Creation of edges can be set to avoid updating both vertices

    ### Security

    • Added configurable SSL to HTTP and binary connections

    ### SQL

    • New UUID() function to generate Unique IDs

    • New statistic functions: mode(), variance(), stddev(), median(), percentile()

    • Rewritten implementation of shortestPath() function to be much faster

    • Improvement for “order by @rid desc” to browse results in opposite direction without use an index or RAM

    • Added UNSAFE to CREATE PROPERTY command to avoid slow checks auto conversion from map when working on EMBEDDED types

    ### Tools

    • Studio: New Layout, new Graph Editor, new Security panel (Users and Roles management)

    • New ETL module to import data from JDBC, CVS and JSON input sources

    更多内容请看: http://www.orientechnologies.com/orientdb-2-0-production-ready

    Orient DB 是一个可伸缩的文档数据库,支持 ACID 事务处理。使用 Java 5 实现。

    OrientDB 2.0 正式发布,可用于生产环境!下载地址