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新闻 Android Studio 1.1 Preview 2 预览版发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-01-23 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Android Studio 1.1 Preview 2 发布,跟 Preview 1 一样,该版本主要是 bug 修复,目前团队同时也在进行 1.2 版本的开发,1.2 版本主要是基于 IntelliJ 14 的代码基础。

    In this build, there are several new lint checks:

    • Check for suspicious language/region combinations (where you are defining a translation for a language and specific locale, where the combination of language and region is unusual and it's possible that you've used the wrong code.)

    • Checks that the tag passed to a Log.severity(tag, ...) call and its surrounding Log.isLoggable(tag) calls refer to the same tag. Similarly, it also checks that the logging level passed in to isLoggable matches the type of logging call, e.g. if if you check isLoggable(..., Log.DEBUG) you should log with Log.d, not Log.v or Log.i.

    • Checks that the tag passed to the logging calls, if its value can be resolved, is at most 23 characters long (as required by the Logging API.)

    • Checks that calls to info, verbose and debug logging calls are surrounded by a conditional (e.g. isLoggable or BuildInfo.DEBUG) but only if that logging call "performs work" (e.g. concatenates non constant strings or performs methods calls etc). This check is off by default.

    • Check for using drawables instead of mipmaps for the launcher icon, where the application is also filtering the set of densities packaged into the APK. There is also a quickfix in the IDE for migrating an icon from a @drawable to a @mipmap.

    此外,默认的启动图标已经更新到 Material Design 外观。同时包括一个 xxxhdpi density icon。

    此版本修复的 bug:

    56986: Incorrect flag for portuguese

    59042: strings.xml reformated every time I create new Activity

    77158: Sync removes modules that do not have a Gradle counterpart.

    81457: Fixes low resolution icon in Linux.

    82387: Add intention to correct XML namespace for support lib

    82564: Making AVD Manager separate (non-modal) window.

    92005: Allow cancelling task that retrieves device screenshots

    93284: Including comments when merging xml

    94499: Fixing the device preview in the search and create cases

    97006: Gradle lint does not recognize Context.getDrawable() as API 21+

    98297: Fix run dialog modality to allow avd manager interaction

    98317: Fixing resource merge to work within new project wizard

    98997: Pick test runner from Gradle while creating test configuration

    101279: Fix id reference check to properly handle undefined id's

    103257: Append .exe extension on Windows (mksdcard)

    103257: Welcome Wizard, on Windows, shows "Tools directory not found" error incorrectly

    + Bug fixes not tagged with a bug number in the commit message.

    Android Studio 1.1 Preview 2 预览版发布下载地址