Docker 1.5.0 RC1 发布,此版本是 Docker 1.5 的第一个RC 版本。 Docker 1.5.0 RC1 的总体情况如下: 664 个 commits 86 位贡献者 +8,350 -3,397 行修改 此版本包括大量的总要特性,Docker 1.5.0 计划在 2 月 3 日发布,包括 Compose 1.1.0, Machine beta 0.1.0 和 Swam beta 0.1.0。 boot2docker 1.5.0-rc1 现已提供在: ISO 下载: 二进制包下载: Ubuntu/Debian: or curl -sSL | sh Linux 64bit binary: Darwin/OSX 64bit client binary: Darwin/OSX 32bit client binary: Linux 64bit tgz: 更新日志 Builder Dockerfile to use for a given `docker build` can be specified with the `-f` flag Dockerfile and .dockerignore files can be themselves excluded as part of the .dockerignore file, thus preventing modifications to these files invalidating ADD or COPY instructions cache ADD and COPY instructions accept relative paths Dockerfile `FROM scratch` instruction is now interpreted as a no-base specifier Improve performance when exposing a large number of ports Hack Allow client-side only integration tests for Windows Include docker-py integration tests against Docker daemon as part of our test suites Packaging Support for the new version of the registry HTTP API Speed up `docker push` for images with a majority of already existing layers Fixed contacting a private registry through a proxy Remote API Containers can be renamed using the new `rename` endpoint and the associated `docker rename` command Container `inspect` endpoint show the ID of `exec` commands running in this container Container `inspect` endpoint show the number of times Docker auto-restarted the container New types of event can be streamed by the `events` endpoint: ‘OOM’ (container died with out of memory), ‘exec_create’, and ‘exec_start' Fixed returned string fields which hold numeric characters incorrectly omitting surrounding double quotes Runtime Docker daemon has full IPv6 support The `docker run` command can take the `--pid=host` flag to use the host PID namespace, which makes it possible for example to debug host processes using containerized debugging tools The `docker run` command can take the `--read-only` flag to make the container’s root filesystem mounted as readonly, which can be used in combination with volumes to force a container’s processes to only write to locations that will be persisted Container total memory usage can be limited for `docker run` using the `--memory-swap` flag Major stability improvements for devicemapper storage driver Better integration with host system: containers will reflect changes to the host's `/etc/resolv.conf` file when restarted Better integration with host system: per-container iptable rules are moved to the DOCKER chain Fixed container exiting on out of memory to return an invalid exit code 其他 The HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables are properly taken into account by the client when connecting to the Docker daemon -- Arnaud Porterie 更多更新内容请看发行说明。 Docker 1.5.0 RC1 发布,完全支持 IPv6下载地址