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新闻 Apache Olingo 2.0.2 发布 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-02-01 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Apache Olingo 2.0.2 发布,此版本包括一些核心库和扩展模块的 bug 修复,同时新增了一个支持 Spring 的扩展 ("odata2-spring") 。



    同时也提供在 Maven 库中:

    http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|g:"org.apache.olingo" AND v:"2.0.2"

    Kind Regards,

    Release Notes - Olingo - Version 2.0.2
    Link: https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12314520&version=12328918

    Improvement and new Features:
    [OLINGO-481] - Adds support for MappedSuperclass in JPA reference scenarios
    [OLINGO-493] - Possible concurrency issue in ODataServlet
    [OLINGO-494] - Content-Length HTTP Header is missing when using ODataServlet
    [OLINGO-193] - Olingo on Spring implementation scenarion
    [OLINGO-451] - Startswith and endswith is not supported by odata2
    [OLINGO-480] - good old '+' as a encoding for a space is not handled
    in Decoder class
    [OLINGO-516] - Enhance JPA processor library to support a byte array return type
    [OLINGO-532] - Expose JPAEdmMappingImpl in API project

    Fixed Bugs:
    [OLINGO-411] - [olingo-jpa] Error on $expand for Self joins
    [OLINGO-465] - Read of FunctionImport with Collection ReturnType cause
    EntityProviderException in AtomEntityProvider.readFunctionImport(...)
    [OLINGO-478] - Operator Precedence ignored
    [OLINGO-483] - Expanding expanded entity shows wrong results
    [OLINGO-492] - Custom ODataErrorCallback is not called when ODataServlet is used
    [OLINGO-495] - JPARelationship inheritance is not supported
    [OLINGO-505] - Problem with multilevel expand (X(1) has A->B, A->C,
    problem with X(1) expand A/B,A/C )
    [OLINGO-506] - Issues during annotating a complex type
    [OLINGO-508] - One-to-Many self-link causing NotImplementedException
    [OLINGO-520] - $filter does not work on single entities
    [OLINGO-521] - V2 Batch Parsing issues
    [OLINGO-525] - Issue with Post operation for the entity with embedded
    class that contains timeStamp (TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
    [OLINGO-526] - Use of uni-directional @OneToMany leads to an exception
    [OLINGO-529] - Edm.Int64 key is not supported
    [OLINGO-531] - Content-Lenght header is not set when using the ODataServlet
    [OLINGO-535] - Path Split calculation when using the servlet has a bug
    [OLINGO-536] - Servlet issue: Catch Runtime Exceptions when calling
    [OLINGO-537] - Get on JPA Entity with Listener is failing with class
    cast exception to ODataJPATombstoneEntityListener

    Apache Olingo 是个 Java 库,用来实现 Open Data Protocol (OData)。 Apache Olingo 包括服务客户端和 OData 服务器方面。当前支持 OData 2.0 ,未来会支持 OData 4.0。Apache Olingo 扩展部分支持 JPA 持久性或者注释 bean 类。

    The Open Data Protocol (OData) 是个 web 协议,

    为了增强各种网页应用程序之间的数据兼容性,微软公司启动了一项旨在推广网页程序数据库格式标准化的开源数据协议(OData)计划,于此同时,他们还发 布了一款适用于OData协议的开发工具,以方便网页程序开发者们使用。

    Open Data Protocol (开放数据协议,OData)是用来查询和更新数据的一种Web协议,其提供了把存在于应用程序中的数据暴露出来的方式。OData运用且构建于很多 Web技术之上,比如HTTP、Atom Publishing Protocol(AtomPub)和JSON,提供了从各种应用程序、服务和存储库中访问信息的能力。OData被用来从各种数据源中暴露和访问信息, 这些数据源包括但不限于:关系数据库、文件系统、内容管理系统和传统Web站点。
    Apache Olingo 2.0.2 发布下载地址