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本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-02-05 发布。版面名称:知乎日报

  1. 漂亮的石头

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    [​IMG] Owl of Minerva,Hic Rhodus, hic salta

    孟德斯鸠(1689-1755)在他历时十四年的巨著《论法的精神》(De l'esprit des lois) 中讨论了法律与地理 / 气候的关系,他注意到,人们因为气候的不同会导致明显的性格差异:

    --《论法的精神》第十四章 - 法律和气候类型的关系

    In cold countries they have very little sensibility tor pleasure; in temperate countries, they have more; in warm countries, their sensibility is exquisite. As climates are distinguished by degrees of latitude, we might distinguish them also in some measure by those of sensibility. I have been at the opera in England and in Italy, where I have seen the same pieces and the same performers: and yet the same music produces such different effects on the two nations: one is so cold and phlegmatic, and the other so lively and enraptured, that it seems almost inconceivable.
    If we travel towards the north, we meet with people who have few vices, many virtues, and a great share of frankness and sincerity. If we draw near the south, we fancy ourselves entirely removed from the verge of morality; here the strongest passions are productive of all manner of crimes, each man endeavouring, let the means be what they will, to indulge his inordinate desires.​


    1833 年,在法国政府部门工作,主管犯罪行为统计的 André-Michel Guerry 发表了他的论著 Essai sur la statistique morale de la France [1]。通过对 1826 到 1830 年间南北法国的犯罪行为调查发现,对人的犯罪率在南北之间存在明显差异,而对财物的犯罪率则不然,而且犯罪率跟人口的聚集水平没有显著关系。



    1892 年, Albert Leffingwell 研究发现,犯罪率会随着季节变化[2]:


    同时期的 1913 年,德国犯罪学家 Gustav Aschaffenburg 在他的论著 Crime and Its Repression[3]中,通过研究德国 1882 到 1893 年的犯罪数据,也发现对人的犯罪行为随季节有明显的差异,夏季的犯罪率最高。Brearley 在 1932 年的讨论美国凶杀犯罪特征的论著[4]中也指出,犯罪率会随着季节变化。



    1989 年Craig A. Anderson对该现象进行了进一步的研究,并尽量排除其他因素的影响[5]。



    当然,犯罪率随气候的差异并不能解释全部的南北性格差异。1996 年,通过问卷调查 28 个国家的 2, 963 人的性格发现,南北性格差异在一国之内确实存在,但是仅仅存在于北半球。表现为南方人更情绪化,北方人显得更冷淡[6]。


    2004 年一项更大规模的调查[7]发现,远离赤道(北半球的北方,南半球的南方)的人性格更加外向,好交际、爱娱乐,但是不如接近赤道的人(北半球的南方,南半球的北方)谨慎细心,尽职尽责。气温是对这些性格差异最为主要的影响因素


    2009 年,一项对雀鲷(Damselfish)的行为学实验发现,增加水温之后,雀鲷变得更富侵略性,同时行为变得保守,缺乏魄力






    在温度较低时候,人体为了保维持体温的恒定,需要分泌甲状腺激素(thyroxine),甲状腺激素能使细胞内氧化速度提高,耗氧量增加,产热增多,即是在禁食状态下,机体总热量的产生和氧耗中近于一半是由甲状腺激素作用的结果,这种作用称甲状腺激素“生热效应”[10]。但是,甲状腺素的高水平,也会是人的性格产生变化。包括易紧张、情绪化、神经质等[11]。这跟上面的性格坐标图是基本相符和的:越北方(远离赤道)的人群越情绪化 / 神经质。另外,群体的作用也放大了这种性格。


    生活的风格:南方多从事农业;北方多从事打猎 / 游牧等,强调合作,直接对话能增加合作效率。

    [1] Guerry, André-Michel, et al. Essai sur la statistique morale de la France. Crochard, 1833.

    [2] Leffingwell, Albert. Illegitimacy, and the influence of seasons upon conduct: Two studies in demography. Vol. 49. Charles Scribner's sons, 1892.

    [3] Aschaffenburg, Gustav. Crime and its repression. 1913.

    [4] Brearley, Harrington Cooper. "Homicide in the United States." (1932).

    [5] Anderson, Craig A. "Temperature and aggression: ubiquitous effects of heat on occurrence of human violence." Psychological bulletin 106.1 (1989): 74.

    [6] Pennebaker, James W., Bernard Rimé, and Virginia E. Blankenship. "Stereotypes of emotional expressiveness of northerners and southerners: a cross-cultural test of Montesquieu's hypotheses." Journal of personality and social psychology 70.2 (1996): 372.

    [7] Allik, Jüri, and Robert R. McCrae. "Toward a geography of personality traits patterns of profiles across 36 cultures." Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology35.1 (2004): 13-28.

    [8] Biro, Peter A., Christa Beckmann, and Judy A. Stamps. "Small within-day increases in temperature affects boldness and alters personality in coral reef fish." Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2009): rspb20091346.

    [9] Hsiang, Solomon M., Marshall Burke, and Edward Miguel. "Quantifying the influence of climate on human conflict." Science 341.6151 (2013): 1235367.

    [10] Young, Andrew J. Homeostatic responses to prolonged cold exposure: human cold acclimatization. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.

    [11] Rotnem, Diane, et al. "Personality development in children with growth hormone deficiency." Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry 16.3 (1977): 412-426.
