SonarQube C / C++ / Objective-C 3.4 发布,此版本更新内容如下: 41 new rules targeting MISRA-C standard: 70% of MISRA-C 2004 rules are now covered! Visual Studio coverage support: you will now be able to import XML coverage reports generated by Visual Studio, more details available in the documentation The SonarQube minimum version is now 4.5.2 and Java 7 is required Various bug fixes, with the most importants being: Compatibility issue with SQ 5.0 when trying to report quality issues not on the main file (CPP-1009) cppcheck timing degradation in big projects (CPP-1000) 详细改进内容请看发行说明,可以通过更新中心更新,文档提供在 C/C++ 或者 Objective-C 产品主页。 SonarQube C / C++ / Objective-C 3.4 发布下载地址