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新闻 Calibre 2.19 发布,电子书管理软件 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-02-07 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Calibre 2.19 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下


    • Quick view window: Allow the quickview window to be docked into the main calibre window.

      Closes tickets: 1415714

    • Add empty book: Allow setting the title as well as the author and series for the added empty book records

    • Windows driver for Grammata Papyre 602.

      Closes tickets: 1418207

    • Edit Book: Add an option to turn off auto-completion of closing tags

    • Allow adding a description for custom columns.

      Closes tickets: 1417219

    • Book Details panel: Allow any identifier of the form url+number to become a clickable link. For example: url1:http://example.com
    Bug 修复

    • Conversion: Convert entities that reference non-BMP unicode codepoints on Windows and OS X correctly. Linux was not affected by this bug.

      Closes tickets: 1417327

    • Edit Book: Do not autocomplete the closing tag wen typing the / key inside an existing tag.

      Closes tickets: 1417700

    • Fix Booken Lev e-book reader not being detected in OS X and Linux.

      Closes tickets: 1417325

    • DOCX Input: Change handling of sequences of space characters to more closely follow Microsoft Word.

    • Edit Book: Fix Table of Contents editor not remembering its saved state across calibre sessions

    • Edit book: Disallow drag and drop of documents onto the preview panel to workaround crashing bug in Qt.

      Closes tickets: 1416752

    • E-book viewer: Fix current page not being preserved when opening and then immediately closing the footnote window.

      Closes tickets: 1416526

    • PDF Output: Fix incorrect encoding for some chinese characters in the PDF Outline (Table of Contents)

      Closes tickets: 1416222

    • FAZ.net

    • Indian Express

    • CNN

    Calibre是电子书管理软件,支持Amazon、Apple、Bookeen、Ectaco、Endless Ideas、Google/HTC、Hanlin Song设备及格式,功能十分强大。

    Calibre 2.19 发布,电子书管理软件下载地址