AngularJS 今天发布两个更新版本,分别是 1.3.13 和 1.4 Beta4 。 其中 1.3.13 修复了如下 Bug: $location: prevent page reload if initial url has empty hash at the end (4b3a590b,#10397, #10960) ngAria: ensure native controls fire a single click (69ee593f,#10388, #10766) ngMock: handle cases where injector is created before tests (39ddef68,#10967) sanitize: handle newline characters inside special tags (11aedbd7,ce49d4d6#10943) 而 1.4 Beta4 同样修复了 Bug: $location: prevent page reload if initial url has empty hash at the end (a509e9aa,#10397, #10960) $parse: Initialize elements in an array from left to right (966f6d83) ngAria: ensure native controls fire a single click (9d53e5a3,#10388, #10766) ngMock: handle cases where injector is created before tests (898714df,#10967) sanitize: handle newline characters inside special tags (cc8755cd,030a42e7#10943) 同时还支持 jqLite 强制指定 jQuery 的版本 (09ee82d8) AngularJS 1.3.13/1.4.0 Beta4 发布下载地址