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新闻 Semantic UI 1.10.0 发布,Web UI 框架 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-02-24 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    Semantic UI 1.10.0 发布,Semantic UI—完全语义化的前端界面开发框架,跟 BootstrapFoundation 比起来,还是有些不同的,在功能特性上、布局设计上、用户体验上均存在很多差异。

    目前 git.oschina.net 正在使用该 UI 框架。


    New Features

    • Transition - Transitions now have interval to allow grouped elements to animate one by one with a delay between each animation. Grouped animations determine order based on transition direction to avoid reflows, or can manually be reversed by using reverse: true See Examples for more details.

    Critical Fixes


    • Form Validation - Adds containsExactly, notExactly, isExactly case sensitive validation rules, make contains, not, is case insensitive.

    • Form Validation - contains rule is now case insensitive

    • Form Validation - Validation messages no longer increase field height on inline fields like checkboxes after error appears

    • API - Added was cancelled to determine whether request was cancelled by beforeSend

    • *Image - Added hidden image state


    • Build Tools - Fixed issue with recursive merge for site themes in update scripts, details here Thanks @derekslife

    • Cards - Fix .ui.cards > .ui.card margins to match .ui.cards > .card margins

    • Cards - Fix consecutive card groups to preserve row flow (similar to consecutive grids)

    • Sidebar - Sidebar using exclusive: true now queue animations after hiding previous sidebar (unless overlay) to avoid rendering issues

    • State - Text states now handle cancelled API requests correctly

    • Search - Category search no longer displays unnecessary error message about maxResults

    • Composer - Composer.json should now read version from tags, adjusted some fields.

    • Grid - Stackable grid now has horizontal padding by default on mobile unless nested inside a ui grid or ui segment (not vertical)

    • Menu - Fixes pointing menu displaying under dropdown menu

    -Transition - useFailSafe was incorrectly shown as false by default
    Semantic UI 1.10.0 发布,Web UI 框架下载地址