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本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-03-11 发布。版面名称:知乎日报

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    [​IMG] Owl of Minerva,Hic Rhodus, hic salta

    不光雨声如此,水声、风声、树声、蝉鸣、蛙鸣、鸟鸣,以及观看美好的自然都有同样或者类似的的效果[1, 2]。



    即使是短暂的自然环境体验(比如观看森林、田野照片,听到自然界的雨声鸟鸣),也能显著的让人感受到关爱、愉悦、友好、释放,更少的恐惧、压力等。而该现象被称为"Restorative Effects of Natural Environment Experiences" (自然环境体验的恢复作用)[3].


    Nature Sounds for Relaxation and Enjoyment


    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

    梭罗 <<秋色>>
    君居泥溝上,溝濁萍青青。蛙讙橋未掃,蟬嘒門長扃。 名秩後千品,詩文齊六經。端來問奇字,為我講聲形。
    韩愈 <<题张十八所居>>​


    • confidence 增强自信心
    • self-sufficiency 自给自足感 / 命运把控感
    • more realistic self evaluations 更佳的自我审视,不卑不亢

    正如梭罗说说,“这个世界的启示在荒野”,也是我们精神能量的重要来源。在短期来看,自然环境体验主要影响注意力[5,6],压力[7]和愤怒情绪[8]的控制。在作用机制上,有人(Dr. Norman Shealy)认为这种体验会影响人体脱氢表雄酮(Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA)的分泌水平[9-11],进而产生上面的效果,这种效果跟长期体育锻炼的效果类似。


    但是 DHEA 的作用机制还没有被透彻的研究,Dr. Norman Shealy 的猜想缺乏严谨实验支持。而由于无法实时的检查活体人中的各种激素水平(包括 DHEA),这种严谨的实验也没法进行。目前关于自然环境体验的恢复作用仅有一些心理学模型提供解释,包括 Attention Restoration Theory (注意力恢复理论)[12]和 stress recovery theory(压力恢复理论)[13]。注意力恢复理论认为:

    人的精力像体力一样,在长期的注意力集中的情况下,也会耗竭。因此需要通过一定的途径补充精力。一种主要的经历补充方式是“注意力放空”,也就是虽然脑子仍然在思考运作,但是这种运作不为达成任何目的。而自然环境能帮助人将注意力从日常工作的环境中解放出来。自然环境跟工作环境的极大差异提供了一种脱离感,在这种感觉下,人不再追逐工作的价值,不再纠缠于成功、目的和求之不得的心境。这种感觉促进了人进行注意力 / 精力的恢复。压力恢复理论的解释与之类似[14]。




    另外,值得注意的是,儿童时期居住于跟自然密切的环境,能显著的增加之后的认知能力和注意力[17],有效避免精神疾病。与其将孩子困于城市的钢筋水泥之中,花大价钱让各种培训充斥 TA 的生活以不至于输在起跑线上,不如让 TA 多接触自然,以获得长期的裨益,而不是计较暂时的落后。现代社会的人显然不能完全脱离城市生活以融与自然,但自然之于我们像土地之于阿喀琉斯,脱离自然会把我们置于危险的境地。因此万不可与自然完全脱离。


    老子 道德经​

    Quote: @Andy Lee


    [1] Ulrich, Roger S. "Visual landscapes and psychological well‐being." Landscape research 4.1 (1979): 17-23.

    [2] Velarde, Ma D., Gary Fry, and Mari Tveit. "Health effects of viewing landscapes–Landscape types in environmental psychology." Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 6.4 (2007): 199-212.

    [3] Hartig, Terry, Marlis Mang, and Gary W. Evans. "Restorative effects of natural environment experiences." Environment and behavior 23.1 (1991): 3-26.

    [4] Kaplan, Rachel. "Some psychological benefits of an outdoor challenge program." Environment and Behavior (1974).

    [5] Tennessen, Carolyn M., and Bernadine Cimprich. "Views to nature: Effects on attention." Journal of environmental psychology 15.1 (1995): 77-85.

    [6] Berto, Rita. "Exposure to restorative environments helps restore attentional capacity." Journal of environmental psychology 25.3 (2005): 249-259.

    [7] Ulrich, Roger S., et al. "Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments." Journal of environmental psychology 11.3 (1991): 201-230.

    [8] Cackowski, Jean Marie, and Jack L. Nasar. "The restorative effects of roadside vegetation implications for automobile driver anger and frustration."Environment and Behavior 35.6 (2003): 736-751.

    [9] Shealy, C. Norman. "A review of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)." Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science 30.4 (1995): 308-313.

    [10] Shealy, C. Norman, et al. "Electrical stimulation raises DHEA and improves diabetic neuropathy." Stress medicine 11.1 (1995): 215-217.

    [11] Shealy, C. Norman, and Caroline M. Myss. "The ring of fire and DHEA: A theory for energetic restoration of adrenal reserves." Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Journal Archives 6.2 (1995).

    [12] Kaplan, Stephen. "The restorative benefits of nature: Toward an integrative framework." Journal of environmental psychology 15.3 (1995): 169-182.

    [13] Ulrich, Roger S. "Aesthetic and affective response to natural environment."Behavior and the natural environment. Springer US, 1983. 85-125.

    [14] Herzog, Thomas R., et al. "Reflection and attentional recovery as distinctive benefits of restorative environments." Journal of environmental psychology17.2 (1997): 165-170.

    [15] Jiang, Bin, et al. "A Dose-Response Curve Describing the Relationship Between Urban Tree Cover Density and Self-Reported Stress Recovery."Environment and Behavior (2014): 0013916514552321.

    [16] Kjellgren, Anette, and Hanne Buhrkall. "A comparison of the restorative effect of a natural environment with that of a simulated natural environment." Journal of Environmental Psychology 30.4 (2010): 464-472.

    [17] Wells, Nancy M. "At home with nature effects of “greenness” on children’s cognitive functioning." Environment and behavior 32.6 (2000): 775-795.


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