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新闻 PyCharm 4.5 EAP 发布,Python 集成开发环境 下载

本帖由 漂亮的石头2015-04-09 发布。版面名称:软件资讯

  1. 漂亮的石头

    漂亮的石头 版主 管理成员

    PyCharm 4.5 EAP 发布,此版本具体更修改信息如下:

    • Distraction-free mode (a view with no toolbars, no tool windows, no editor tabs – just code on your screen. To switch to this mode, click View | Enter Distraction Free Mode)

    • HiDPI support for Windows or Linux.

    • Git and Mercurial log viewers have been improved.

    • Database tools offer multiple consoles per data source, now with a schema switcher, local history, and easier access.

    • The HTML editor has been extended with a cool new option for simultaneously editing both opening and closing HTML tags.


    • The matplotlib interactive mode is now supported in both PyCharm’s and the debugger’s consoles.

    • The debugger is improved with the new “Ignore library files” option.

    • Inline debugger for Python: it shows variable values right in the editor, next to their usages.

    • Navigation from debugger’s variables view to code where an object or its type are defined.

    • Initial support for Python 3.5 with support of PEP 465: a dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication. We’ll continue implementing support for Python 3.5 with next EAP builds as soon as PEP 484: Type Hints and PEP 448: Additional unpacking generalizations are finalized.

    • Various code insight improvements: structural types inferring based on the usage of attributes and nominal types inferring from structural types, better Numpy-specific coding assistance.

    • Multiple per-project Vagrant configurations are now supported.

    • The new “Bulk move” refactoring dialog: helps you to perform a move refactoring on a group of code snippets with all dependencies resolved.

    • The new Scratch Files feature: temporary virtual files which support running and debugging.



    PyCharm 是由 JetBrains 打造的一款 Python IDE。我们知道,VS2010 的重构插件 Resharper 就是出自 JetBrains 之手。那么,PyCharm 有什么吸引人的特点呢?

    首先,PyCharm用于一般 IDE 具备的功能,比如, 调试、语法高亮、Project 管理、代码跳转、智能提示、自动完成、单元测试、版本控制……

    另外,PyCharm还提供了一些很好的功能用于 Django 开发,同时支持Google App Engine,更酷的是,PyCharm支持IronPython




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    PyCharm 4.5 EAP 发布,Python 集成开发环境下载地址