Jenkins 1.610 发布,此版本主要有以下更新: Since 1.598 overrides of Descriptor.getId were not correctly handled by form binding, breaking at least the CloudBees Templates plugin. (issue 26781) Archiving of large artifacts. Tar implementation cannot handle files having a size >8GB. (issue 10629) The queue state was not updated between scheduling builds. (issue 27708, issue 27871) 详细信息请查看更新日志。 此版本现已提供下载 Jenkins 的前身是 Hudson 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎。 主要用于: 1.持续、自动地构建/测试软件项目,如CruiseControl与DamageControl。 2.监控一些定时执行的任务。 Jenkins 1.610 发布,持续集成引擎下载地址