AngularJS 1.4.0.rc1 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复,详细列表如下: Bug 修复 $animate: ensure that from styles are applied for class-based animations (8f819d2c) make sure the JS animation lookup is an object lookup (103a39ca,#11619) $animateCss: ensure that rAF waiting loop doesn't ignore pending items during a flush (90e424b2) $http: stop coercing falsy HTTP request bodies to null / empty body (e04a887c,#11552, #11593) ngAnimate: close parent animations only when there are classes to resolve (1459be17) ensure ngClass-based classes are always resolved for CSS-enabled animations (89f081e4) do not abort animation if only ng-anchor-in is used (3333a5c3) ensure that a filtered-out leave animation always runs its DOM operation (6dd64ab5,#11555) ensure that animations work when the app is bootstrapped on the document node (bee14ed1,#11574) ensure SVG classes are properly removed (fa0bbded) ngAria: change accessibility keypress event to use event.which if it is provided (249f9b81,#11340) ngMessageFormat: ensure bindings are valid for Protractor (992114f7,#11644, #11649) minified symbol and nested required expression (8a45064f,#11414, #11592) select: allow empty option to be added dynamically by ng-repeat (abf59c28,#11470, #11512) 新特性 $animate: provide support for animations on elements outside of $rootElement (e41faaa2) 更多内容请看发行说明,此版本现已提供下载:。 AngularJS 1.4.0 RC1 发布下载地址