Spring XD 1.2 M1/1.1.2 发布,Spring XD 1.1.2 是个维护版本,现已提供下载: 1.1.2.RELEASE: zip 1.2.0.M1: zip 也可以使用 brew 和 rpm 进行安装。 Spring XD 1.1.2 完整的issues 列表提供在 JIRA,支持 PHD 3.0。 Spring XD 1.2 M1 包括 bug 修复,新特性和一些改进: PHD 3.0 support MongoDB Source, a community contribution from Abhinav Gandhi Module registry backed by HDFS Greenplum gpload as provided batch job. This allows for efficient loading from CSV files into Greenplum DB/HAWQ. gpfdist sink that adheres to the gpfdist protocol. This allows for streaming data in parallel into Greenplum DB/HAWQ. Zookeeper distributed queue based deployment for streams and jobs. Improved error handling for RabbitMQ with Dead Letter Queue and durable queue support for pub/sub named channels (tap: and topic Sqoop integration improvements, support for merge and codegen commands as well as running against a secured Hadoop cluster. Kafka message bus improvements, customized partition count for topics created by the message bus. (module.[modulename].producer.minParitionCount) Improved performance characteristics for TupleBuilder and the JDBC to HDFS job Spark Streaming integration improvements, reliable receiver support and bug fixes. 完整改进列表请看issues fixed for 1.2 M1。 Spring XD 1.2 RC1 计划特性: Kafka message bus improvements Cassandra sink Elastic search sink Improved HA support for RabbitMQ Incremental data import for JDBC to HDFS job 更多内容请看发行说明。 Spring XD 是一个统一的,分布式,可扩展的系统用于数据摄取,实时分析,批量处理和数据导出。该项目的目标是简化大数据应用的开发。 Spring XD 1.2 M1/1.1.2 发布下载地址