Dlib 18.15 发布,此版本更新内容如下: 新特性 - Added a number of tools for working with 3D data: - Added the perspective_window which is a tool for displaying 3D point clouds. - Added camera_transform. It performs the 3D to 2D mapping needed to visualize 3D data. - Added point_transform_affine3d as well as functions for creating such transforms: rotate_around_x(), rotate_around_y(), rotate_around_z(), and translate_point(). - Added draw_solid_circle() for drawing on images. - Added get_best_hough_point() to the hough_transform. - Thanks to Jack Culpepper, the python API for object detection now outputs detection confidences. - Added lspi, an implementation of the least-squares policy iteration algorithm. 非向后兼容特性 - The shape_predictor and shape_predictor_trainer had a non-optimal behavior when used with objects that have non-square bounding boxes. This has been fixed but will cause models that were trained with the previous version of dlib to not work as accurately if they used non-square boxes. So you might have to retrain your models when updating dlib. Bug 修复 - Fixed a bug which prevented add_image_rotations() from compiling. 其他改进 - The imglab tool now allows the user to click and drag annotations around by holding shift and right clicking. Dlib是一个使用现代C++技术编写的跨平台的通用库,遵守Boost Software licence. 主要特点如下: 1.完善的文档:每个类每个函数都有详细的文档,并且提供了大量的示例代码,如果你发现文档描述不清晰或者没有文档,告诉作者,作者会立刻添加。 2.可移植代码:代码符合ISO C++标准,不需要第三方库支持,支持win32、Linux、Mac OS X、Solaris、HPUX、BSDs 和 POSIX 系统 3.线程支持:提供简单的可移植的线程API 4.网络支持:提供简单的可移植的Socket API和一个简单的Http服务器 5.图形用户界面:提供线程安全的GUI API 6.数值算法:矩阵、大整数、随机数运算等 7.机器学习算法: 8.图形模型算法: 9.图像处理:支持读写Windows BMP文件,不同类型色彩转换 10.数据压缩和完整性算法:CRC32、Md5、不同形式的PPM算法 11.测试:线程安全的日志类和模块化的单元测试框架以及各种测试assert支持 12.一般工具:XML解析、内存管理、类型安全的big/little endian转换、序列化支持和容器类 Dlib 18.15 发布,跨平台 C++ 通用库下载地址