Infinispan 7.2.0 Final 发布,此版本主要有以下更新: Bug 修复: [ISPN-2813] - DummyTransaction do not commit is last resource transaction is read-only [ISPN-3361] - Tests from failing [ISPN-3725] - Recovery does not work with versioning [ISPN-4167] - DummyBaseTransactionManager doesn't clean up when rollback fails [ISPN-4322] - AS Remote Client Module Integration Tests module fails with IBM JDK [ISPN-4442] - Package remoting jars for the embedded cli client [ISPN-4450] - RemoteStore uses wrong classloader with rawValues [ISPN-4546] - Possible stale lock when the primary owner leaves during rebalance [ISPN-4986] - Error in CDI User Guide [ISPN-5019] - After coordinator change, cache topologies should be installed in parallel [ISPN-5106] - Deadlock on GlobalComponentRegistry when starting a cluster [ISPN-5139] - MissingFormatArgumentException in trace logging in ClusteredCacheLoaderInterceptor [ISPN-5141] - SingleFileStore.process() should use sequential access [ISPN-5158] - Transaction rolled back but returns successful response 组件升级: [ISPN-5325] - Upgrade to protostream-3.0.1.Final [ISPN-5395] - Upgrade Infinispan Server to WildFly 8.2.0.Final 性能增强: [ISPN-4797] - Use getAll for retrieving query results [ISPN-5085] - Convert REST server to using RESTEasy's Netty container integration [ISPN-5147] - Creation/configuration of caches should not require a server restart [ISPN-5231] - CacheNotifierImpl should wire the listener and converter with dependecies from ComponentRegistry [ISPN-5243] - Configuration attribute holders [ISPN-5251] - Eviction configuration must be enforced in Near Caches [ISPN-5264] - Optimize PutAll operations (library mode) [ISPN-5265] - Optimize Getall operations over Hot Rod [ISPN-5266] - Optimize PutAll operations (Hot Rod) [ISPN-5283] - Hot Rod client does not update the cluster view for the client after a complete shutdown of all servers [ISPN-5306] - Eviction should allow for long size configuration [ISPN-5320] - Use new bounded CHMv8 for Hot Rod client near caches [ISPN-5331] - Enable node statistics with global jmx enabled flag [ISPN-5349] - Use DSL based filters with local and clustered event listeners [ISPN-5350] - Use DSL based filters with Hot Rod event listeners [ISPN-5370] - Make clear() non-transactional and lock free [ISPN-5388] - Optimize redundant predicates (non-indexed query) [ISPN-5390] - QueryCache should use the internal cache registry [ISPN-5391] - Use @MetaInfServices in infinispan-directory-provider module [ISPN-5401] - Align server and embedded exposed management properties [ISPN-5410] - Stronger isolation between modules needing Infinispan Core and those needing Lucene [ISPN-5435] - Add annotation attribute to allow for listener to specify whether it receives pre, post or all events 详细信息请查看发行说明。 此版本现已提供下载,下载地址如下: Infinispan 是个开源的数据网格平台。它公开了一个简单的数据结构(一个Cache)来存储对象。虽然可以在本地模式下运行Infinspan,但其真正的价值在于分布 式,在这种模式下,Infinispan可以将集群缓存起来并公开大容量的堆内存。这可比简单的复制强大的多,因为它会为每个结点分配固定数量的副本——服 务器故障的一种恢复手段——同时还提升了可伸缩性,这是由于存储每个结点所需的工作量是与集群大小息息相关的。 Infinispan 提供了一种简单的机制来利用大容量的堆内存。如果对每个结点维护一个拷贝,假如集群当中有100个结点,每个结点分配2GB的堆内存, 那么网格中的任何实例都能使用多达100GB的空间,这可都是内存,显然速度会非常快。同时Infinispan还兼容于JTA,这样它就能很好地处理事务 了。我们还有一个超级强大的异步API,它可以保证同步的网络调用以及异步调用的并行性及可伸缩性。比方说:Future f = cache.putAsync(k, v) 可以阻塞线程,再调用f.get()可以让网络调用继续进行或是忽略掉f。更为重要的是,线程还可以做别的事情,这一点非常有用。然后再回来通过调用 f.get()来检查该网络调用是否能继续进行。可以将其看作是NIO与传统的阻塞性IO之间的关系。 Infinispan公开了一个 CacheStore接口和几个高性能的实现,包括JDBC CacheStores、基于文件系统的CacheStores以及Amazon S3 CacheStores等等。CacheStores可用作“温启动(warm starts)”或是确保网格中的数据在重启后依然可用,同时在内存耗尽时还能将数据写到磁盘上。 主要特点: 大量的堆体 极高的可扩展性 快速轻量级核心 不仅仅支持Java(PHP,Python,Ruby,C…) 支持Compute Grids 管理是关键:当你在grid上运行几百个服务时,实现管理是必须的 Infinispan 7.2.0.Final 发布,数据网格平台下载地址