Redis 2.8.20/3.0.1 发布,主要是 BUG 修复。 Redis 3.0.1 主要是修复了 Sentinel 内存泄漏问题(只在某种特性非常见状态下触发)。同时还解决了一个 Lua 输出缓冲问题,也是非常难触发,如果你的 Redis 从不崩溃,那么就没有影响。 现已提供下载: redis-3.0.1.tar.gz redis 2.8.20.tar.gz 详细改进请看更新日志: --[ Redis 3.0.1 ] Release date: 5 May 2015 Upgrade urgency: LOW for Redis and Cluster, MODERATE for Sentinel. * [FIX] Sentinel memory leak due to hiredis fixed. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] Sentinel memory leak on duplicated instance. (Charsyam) * [FIX] Redis crash on Lua reaching output buffer limits. (Yossi Gottlieb) * [FIX] Sentinel flushes config on +slave events. (Bill Anderson) --[ Redis 2.8.20 ] Release date: 5 May 2015 Upgrade urgency: LOW for Redis, MODERATE for Sentinel. * [FIX] Sentinel memory leak due to hiredis fixed. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] Sentinel memory leak on duplicated instance. (Charsyam) * [FIX] Redis crash on Lua reaching output buffer limits. (Yossi Gottlieb) * [FIX] Sentinel flushes config on +slave events. (Bill Anderson) * [FIX] Fixes to diskless replication. (Oran Agra) * [FIX] Redis (non clustered & clustered) replication bug involving blocking operations: see issue #2473. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] Config: missing activerehashing option support in CONFIG SET added. (Salvatore Sanfilippo, thx to Bill Anderson) * [FIX] AOF bug unlikely to happen in practice and mostly harmless: child process segfaults when parent is not reachable via pipe. (Sun He) * [FIX] Scripting engine now reports an error when misused with Lua debug hooks, instead of crashing. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [FIX] INFO loading stats: three fixes. * [FIX] Fixed memory leaks in rdbSaveToSlavesSockets(). (Alon Diamant) * [NEW] Redis-cli --latency-dist backported from unstable. (Salvatore Sanfilippo) Redis 2.8.20/3.0.1 发布下载地址