Apache Lens 2.1.0 Beta Incubating 发布,这是 Apache Lens 项目的第二次发布,更新信息如下: bug 修复 Lens Server is not getting shutdown in case if user tries to stop before initialising the server Explain and prepare not giving correct value for "NumFilters" and "NumHaving" " not a cube column " error should give correct column name Registration of predict udf in remote hive server not working SQLException in database/ldap-backed-database user config loader Query should fail with invalid time range when from and to are equal Error Message for missing partition should list all the partitions missing Session not found error code should be 410 NPE when query fails with execute_timeout api Explain throwing NPE if table is not present in the cube NPE when session is gone but the query launched by the session is still getting submitted Getting syntax error when trying to drop partition from lens-cli when partition doesnt exist Issue while getting persistent result of finished JDBC query Exception while purging query : integrity constraint violation, unique constraint or index violation TestCubeRewriter.testQueryWithNow is failing intermittently 性能改善 Checkstyle/Findbugs violations in code Add number of possible distinct values for dim-attributes Add flag to TableReference for user to specify if its a join key reference Lens-Example should have some facts table in db to run cube query in JDBC Create symlinks to versioned jars in packaging Create an example schema and queries from a real world use case Printing current path while installing the lens-server debian Add estimate api in driver and REST api in server Reduce number of metastore lookups during cube query rewriting Add latency metering for each resolver in cube query rewriter Add latency metering metrics for all api exposed through REST Accept db to be set as part of open session call Add resources to hive driver lazily 新特性: Add examples execution to ML Provide a way to add static jars at db level Add api for adding partitions in batch 详细信息请查看发行页面。 此版本现已提供下载: http://lens.incubator.apache.org/releases/download.html Lens 提供了一个统一数据分析接口。通过提供一个跨多个数据存储的单一视图来实现数据分析任务切分,同时优化了执行的环境。无缝的集成 Hadoop 实现类似传统数据仓库的功能。 该项目主要特性: 简单元数据层为数据存储提供抽象视图层 单一的共享模式服务器,基于 Hive 元存储。模式通过数据管道 HCatalog 和分析应用进行共享: OLAP Cube QL 类似 SQL 的高级语言用来查询和描述存放在不同数据立方体 (Cubes) 中的数据集 JDBC 驱动和 Java 客户端库来处理查询 Lens 应用服务器 - 这是一个 REST 服务器允许用户查询数据,更改数据模型,调度查询和查询的配额限制 基于驱动的架构 允许在报表系统中进行嵌入,例如 Hive、列数据存储、Redshift 等 基于成本算法的引擎选择 - 该算法可优化资源的使用,通过对查询的复杂度自动选择最佳执行引擎 Apache Lens 的架构如下: Apache Lens 2.1.0 Beta Incubating 发布下载地址