PC-BSD 10.1.2 RC1 发布了,改进记录包括: New PersonaCrypt Utility allows moving all of users $HOME directory to an encrypted USB Drive. This drive can be connected at login, and used across different systems Stealth Mode allows login to a blank $HOME directory, which is encrypted with a one-time GELI key. This $HOME directory is then discarded at logout, or rendered unreadable after a reboot Tor mode switches the firewall to running transparent proxy, blocking all traffic except what is routed through Tor Migrated to IPFW firewall for enabling VIMAGE in 10.2 Added sound configuration via the first boot utility Support for encrypted iSCSI backups via Life-Preserver, including support for bare-metal restores via installer media New HTML handbook, updated via normal package updates Media Center support allowing direct login to Kodi and PlexHomeTheater for the 10ft user experience Switch to new AppCafe interface, with remote support via web-browser Improvements to Online Updater, along with GRUB nested menus for Boot-Environments Migrate all ports to using LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL Switch from NTP to OpenNTPD Lumina desktop 0.8.4 Chromium 42.0.2311.90 Firefox 37.0.2 NVIDIA Driver 346.47 Pkg 1.5.1 下载地址:http://download.pcbsd.org/iso/10.1-RELEASE/edge/amd64/ PC-BSD的目标是成为易于安装和使用的桌面操作系统,它基于FreeBSD。为达到此目标,它准备了一套图形化的安装程序,这将使得即便是 UNIX新 手也能容易地安装并使得它运行起来。PC-BSD还将装备KDE,以提供即刻可用的桌面。目前正在开发的是一套图形化的软件安装管理程序,这将使得安装预 编译好的软件变得像其他流行操作系统一样方便。 PC-BSD 10.1.2 RC1 发布,桌面 BSD 系统下载地址