Apache Curator 2.8.0 发布,此版本的 Apache Curator Java 库让 Apache Zookeeper 使用起来更方便,详细更新信息如下: Bug 修复: [CURATOR-154] - PersistentEphemeralNode May Fail to Apply Updated Data [CURATOR-164] - curator-x-discovery: unregisterService is not guaranteed to remove the service, due to reconnectListener concurrency issue [CURATOR-168] - Background protected mode incorrectly sets Event name to just ZNode name. Should be full path. [CURATOR-173] - InterProcessSemaphoreV2 nodes not reapable [CURATOR-182] - TreeCache breaks when root node is removed [CURATOR-183] - TreeCache not properly handling repeated add/removal of root node [CURATOR-187] - ChildReaper does not respect built in leader election [CURATOR-190] - PersistentEphemeralNode.Mode.PROTECTED_EPHEMERAL creates new node on recreate [CURATOR-202] - LeaderSelector node is not removed on connection loss if reconnected to the same session [CURATOR-210] - Unit tests using server.close() are fragile. [CURATOR-211] - Fix InterProcessReadWriteLock#readLockPredicate() index validation issue 性能改进: [CURATOR-203] - ChildReaper can be unstable when there are large ZNodes [CURATOR-204] - Use the latest apache parent pom 详细信息请查看发行页面。 最新源代码可从 Apache 镜像获得: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/curator/ zookeeper 的客户端调用过于复杂,Apache Curator 就是为了简化zookeeper客户端调用而生,利用它,可以更好的使用zookeeper。 Apache Curator 2.8.0 发布,简化 zookeeper 客户端下载地址