Mozilla Firefox 38.0 发布,继续优化对 64位的支持,增加了对HTML 5的支持改进。 新增内容如下: 新增基于选项卡的喜好 Base for the next ESR release. 原生支持Ruby注释 对于支持 HTML 5 方面的改进: WebSocket now available in Web Workers BroadcastChannel API implemented Implemented srcset attribute and <picture> element for responsive images Implemented DOM3 Events KeyboardEvent.code Mac OS X: Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube Implemented Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API to support encrypted HTML5 video/audio playback (Windows Vista or later only) Automatically download Adobe Primetime Content Decryption Module (CDM) for DRM playback through EME (Windows Vista or later only) 更多内容请查看: Mozilla Firefox 俗称火狐,是由Mozilla基金会与开源团体共同开发的网页浏览器。Firefox是从Mozilla Application Suite派生出来的网页浏览器,从2005年开始,每年都被媒体PC Magazine选为年度最佳浏览器。 Firefox 38.0 发布,HTML5 支持的不断改进下载地址