pgBadger 7.0 发布了,该版本包含更多有用的报表和特性,支持 auto_explain 扩展,新的报表包括: Events (panic, fatal, error and warning) distribution per 5 minutes. 每个应用详情 (total duration and times executed) for each query reported in Top Queries. The details are visible from a button called "App(s) involved". 每个用户的累积查询时间 关于在第二个集群中被取消查询的报表: Number of cancelled queries (graph) Queries generating the most cancellation (N) Queries most cancelled. 完整列表请看 pgBadger 是一个 PostgreSQL 数据库日志分析程序,可生成详细的报表和图表,旨在替换 pgFouine 脚本。 查看示例报表: pgBadger 7.0 发布,PostgreSQL 日志分析工具下载地址